Waukesha County real estate: Les Paul;The Wizard of Waukesha
By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
The Waukesha County real estate market and the City of Waukeshahas had it's share of very famous musicians, many and many of them, some such as The Bodeans, Boz Scaggs, Steve Miller, and the most famous deemed the wizard of Waukesha who is Les Paul. Les Paul is a music icon who developed the electric guitar, and the semi hollow electric guitar. These changed music for ever and every famous and non famous musician will tip their hat to this amazing man. Les Paulstill plays in his club in New York and is now 93. He resides in New Jersey. He grew up close to the corner of moreland and north st. The corner which is in the SE intersection by the fox river bridge. I myself have had Gibson Firebirds, Flying V,and Les Paul customs; a 60 cherry finish, and a 79 black beauty. Les Paul was born in...