
Waukesha, WI Real Estate News

By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
The Waukesha County real estate market and the City of Waukeshahas had it's share of very famous musicians, many and many of them, some such as The Bodeans, Boz Scaggs, Steve Miller, and the most famous deemed the wizard of Waukesha who is Les Paul. Les Paul is a music icon who developed the electric guitar, and the semi hollow electric guitar. These changed music for ever and every famous and non famous musician will tip their hat to this amazing man. Les Paulstill plays in his club in New York and is now 93. He resides in New Jersey. He grew up close to the corner of moreland and north st. The corner which is in the SE intersection by the fox river bridge. I myself have had Gibson Firebirds, Flying V,and Les Paul customs; a 60 cherry finish, and a 79 black beauty. Les Paul was born in...
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By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
 In the Waukesha County real estate market there are many wonderful things to see and do. In the middle of Cutler park in the downtown of the city of Waukesha there is the Les Paul Band shelter and many wonderful places where the Waukesha Symphony Orchestra. History in Waukesha County and the city of Waukesha is bountiful and this is no exception. Band shells, concert halls, auditoriums and more  date back and they are a source of enjoyment at peacetime, and a source when at war, it was a place where I guy could take his gal, his family, a person could sit and contemplate, or just let their mind wander. Please come out and enjoy some amazing talent and enjoyment. As we musicians say "these guys are tight" Look at Waukesha Symphony Orchestra or Waukesha Area Symphonic Band               ...
Comments 13
By Kristin Johnston - REALTOR®, Giving Back With Each Home Sold!
(RE/MAX Platinum)
  HELP!  I am having guests over in a week or so and we are grilling out.  I don't want to do the same boring stuff....does anyone have any good grilling recipes?  I appreciate your help in advance :-)   PLEASE ASK ME ABOUT MY GIVE BACK PROGRAM, WHERE I MAKE A CONTRIBUTION TO AN ANIMAL SHELTER IN YOUR NAME UPON CLOSING!!!  HSUS MySpace Page | Stop Puppy Mills Website     HSUS MySpace Page | Stop Puppy Mills Website   HSUS MySpace Page | Stop Puppy Mills Website   Listen to my blog at Se Habla Espanol! , , 414-254-6647 , www....
Comments 28
By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
 "If it doesn't matter who wins or loses, then why do they keep score?" That quote from Vince Lombardi is something that I think tends to define real estate agents at times. Success is not monetary, and neither is Happiness. The inner feeling of knowing we accomplished something that made a difference is priceless, and the happiness that is derived with inner peace is what everyone seeks. Of course, it would be defeating from the get go if we got dressed for a game and decided "Well, I'm here. Guess it really doesn't matter." It's a matter of showing up or winning the game.It does make a difference when you add enthusiasm. Coach Lombardi was willing to make sacrifices in life.You think it doesn't matter to me if you call me or not to list your home and see it to a closing? It does matte...
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By Keith Manson
(First Weber Group/short sale/cdpe/gri)
In June there were 78 sales with an average sales price of $212,344 and a 96.33% list to sell ratio.  In addition there were 50 accepted offers with future closing dates. The sales in June 2009 declined by 15 sales or 16.1% compared to June 2008 results.  During the same time period, the new lisitngs were reduced by 15 new listings compared to 2008 numbers. There are currently 724 properties listed with an average list price of $242,015 with an average time on the market of 130 days.   The most activity in June was in the $200,000- $250,000 price range.
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By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)   Celebrating 167 years this year the Waukesha County Fair is still as grand as when it was in it's first year. Did you know this is the oldest county fair in the state of Wisconsin? Did you know that there is food that is out of this world at the fair? Did you know the entertainment and events are world class at the Waukesha County Fair? One should not miss the 4-H activities. The Waukesha County Fair is the place to celebrate our rural heritage with barnyard animals, crafts, foods, farm displays and, of course, the midway! When I talked to Shari Black (these people work hard to bring out the perfection in the fair) to get permission to use the picture it hit me how long I have been enjoying this beautiful event. One thing is for sure; the Waukesha County...
Comments 12
By Kristin Johnston - REALTOR®, Giving Back With Each Home Sold!
(RE/MAX Platinum)
When packing a flashlight or any other item with batteries, turn the batteries around so that if the item is accidentally turned on, you won't empty the batteries. Don't forget to turn the batteries back around when using the flashlight. Traveling to warm destinations?  If you appreciate cold drinks think of using a six-pack cooler as a toiletry bag. Once you arrive at your destination and unload your toiletries your 'toiletry bag' guarantees cheap cold drinks on the beach, no matter how remote. For those using suitcases without a divider, a piece of cardboard makes an excellent divider and helps keep your clothes organized and neat as you are able to lay them out flat on the cardboard. It also makes airport inspections a lot less of a hassle as you can lift out your divider with cloth...
Comments 18
By Kristin Johnston - REALTOR®, Giving Back With Each Home Sold!
(RE/MAX Platinum)
  The Following Data is for Single Family homes in Waukesha, WI for the last month (5/26-6/26/09)   94 Active Listings, $25,543,445 List Volume, Ave Price $271,739, Ave DOM 61 62 Sold Listings, $14,988.640 Sold Volume, Ave Price $241,752, Ave DOM 160 4 Pending Sales, $827,300 Pending Volume, Ave Price #206825, Ave DOM 54 1 Withdrawn Listing, $163,900, DOM 19   PLEASE ASK ME ABOUT MY GIVE BACK PROGRAM, WHERE I MAKE A CONTRIBUTION TO AN ANIMAL SHELTER IN YOUR NAME UPON CLOSING!!!  HSUS MySpace Page | Stop Puppy Mills Website     HSUS MySpace Page | Stop Puppy Mills Website   HSUS MySpace Page | Stop Puppy Mills Website   Listen to my blog at Se Habla Espanol! , , 414-254-6647
Comments 10
By Kristin Johnston - REALTOR®, Giving Back With Each Home Sold!
(RE/MAX Platinum)
PLEASE ASK ME ABOUT MY GIVE BACK PROGRAM, WHERE I MAKE A CONTRIBUTION TO AN ANIMAL SHELTER IN YOUR NAME UPON CLOSING!!!  HSUS MySpace Page | Stop Puppy Mills Website     HSUS MySpace Page | Stop Puppy Mills Website   HSUS MySpace Page | Stop Puppy Mills Website   Listen to my blog at , , 414-254-6647 , , corporate website , and more.  And, as ...
Comments 36
By Kristin Johnston - REALTOR®, Giving Back With Each Home Sold!
(RE/MAX Platinum)
  About 9 months ago, I was introduced to Active Rain by my buddy Tom Braatz.   I had never blogged before.  I knew nothing about Active Rain, Twitter, Facebook or other social networking sites. I didn't understand how blogging fit into so many other things like free marketing/referrals/google ranking/etc. Well, Tom sat down with me and showed me the ropes, the tricks, the rules, etc.  He contacts me with tips to try periodically and is always encouraging.   I have learned so much from him, and continue to do so.   He is never to busy to answer my questions, and always has a refreshing, positive outlook!  I admire his strong work ethic, sense of humor and constant push for growth. I am proud to call Tom Braatz my fellow Remax coworker, but more importantly, my friend. Tom, thanks a mil...
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By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
With Sunday approaching fast I wanted to take a moment out and wish every Dad in the World a Happy Fathers Day. To the fathers that are with us, as parents that look at out children and thank God every moment for them, and remembering the Dads that are taking their much deserved nap. Happy Fathers Day. I know my guiding light and heart beat is derived from a little man that I cherish. I am so blessed. Father's Day is a celebration inaugurated in the early twentieth century to complement Mother's Day in celebrating fatherhood and male parenting, and to honor and commemorate fathers and forefathers. Father's Day is celebrated on a variety of dates worldwide and typically involves gift-giving, special dinners to fathers, and family-oriented activities. (Information per Wikipedia)         W...
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By Kristin Johnston - REALTOR®, Giving Back With Each Home Sold!
(RE/MAX Platinum)
This was emailed to me...enjoy!     PLEASE ASK ME ABOUT MY GIVE BACK PROGRAM, WHERE I MAKE A CONTRIBUTION TO AN ANIMAL SHELTER IN YOUR NAME UPON CLOSING!!!  HSUS MySpace Page | Stop Puppy Mills Website     HSUS MySpace Page | Stop Puppy Mills Website   HSUS MySpace Page | Stop Puppy Mills Website   Listen to my blog at , , 414-254-6647 , , corp...
Comments 34
By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
Welcome home gentleman, gentlewomen and Semfer Fei. The beauty of the country and the entire United States of America are before you, and all it holds was protected by the grace and unchallenged commitment that ever one of you put forth. So you have been thinking a buying a home. and by all means you should be. Whether you are buying a home in Waukesha County,purchasing a Waukesha County Lake home. You have done your country something they could be thank you and they owe you a world of gratitude.   It is only fair for those soldiers we get to honor their final return. How can the American people honor those who has given the ultimate sacrifice? How can we help the many struggling military families with much needed resources while their spouses are away?Supporting our troops is not with ...
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By Kristin Johnston - REALTOR®, Giving Back With Each Home Sold!
(RE/MAX Platinum)
  Sorry for the "cheesy" Monday blog, with little or no content.  But, please let me explain...I am on my 3rd day of manual labor doing a re roof on my home.  My body is shot, blisters beyond belief, back aches, dirty everywhere and the tar from the shingles won't come off my body, etc etc etc.  But, we saved a bunch of dough and we are happy 'do it your selfer' kind of people.   So, sorry if I don't respond to your comments in my usual manner...hopefully this is the last day of my assistance on the roof!!!     PLEASE ASK ME ABOUT MY GIVE BACK PROGRAM, WHERE I MAKE A CONTRIBUTION TO AN ANIMAL SHELTER IN YOUR NAME UPON CLOSING!!!  HSUS MySpace Page | Stop Puppy Mills Website     HSUS MySpace Page | Stop Puppy Mills Website   HSUS MySpace Page | Stop Puppy Mills Website   Listen to my bl...
Comments 28
By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
In the Waukesha County Real Estate there is goog reason to buy a home. The following activity took place for Waukesha County lake homes ,Waukesha County homes,Waukesha county lake property, and all single family, two family, land, commercial, and the entire MLS content for the week. In the Waukesha County Real Estate market 41 homes sold;10 were list and sold by the same company, and 31 were sold by co-brokes. In the Waukesha County Real Estate market there were 246 new listings.  In the Waukesha County Real Estate market there were 36 pending listings.  In the Waukesha County Real Estate market there were 5 withdrawn listings. In the Waukesha County Real Estate market there were 0 canceled listings. In the Waukesha County Real Estate market there were 125 expired listings. In the Wauke...
Comments 14
By Kristin Johnston - REALTOR®, Giving Back With Each Home Sold!
(RE/MAX Platinum)
    PLEASE ASK ME ABOUT MY GIVE BACK PROGRAM, WHERE I MAKE A CONTRIBUTION TO AN ANIMAL SHELTER IN YOUR NAME UPON CLOSING!!!  HSUS MySpace Page | Stop Puppy Mills Website     HSUS MySpace Page | Stop Puppy Mills Website   HSUS MySpace Page | Stop Puppy Mills Website   Listen to my blog at , , 414-254-6647 , , corporate website , and more.  And, ...
Comments 10
By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
If I was ever amazed at anything it was with the fascination my son Spencer had with animals. When we would go to the zoo every week he would like to go "behind  the scenes" and watch the zoo personal get the food ready for the animals, watch the veternarians, and was into it big time.The Milwaukee County Zoo is nothing short of spectacular. The Milwaukee County Zoo is considered among the finest Zoos in the country. It is situated on 200 wooded acres and is home to approximately 2500 animals, representing 300 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, fish,invertebrates.and more. Just over a quarter century ago, the Milwaukee County Zoo lost its most famous resident, a male gorilla named Samson. During his 30 plus years in Milwaukee, Samson became extremely popular with the local community, ...
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By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
There are many reasons in Waukesha County real estate that I should be happy and grateful. In my personal life there is a constant reminder of something that I definitely got right in life; that's my wonderful and charming son Spencer. As you go on with life Spencer and I watch you grow further after your milestone Friday, remember the joy you have always brought me. You sat in church with me so patiently and we gave each other a sign of peace you always reached out to give me a kiss and a hug. God, I just lived for that. You looked at me when I could not say anything and you had the look in your eyes that it would be okay if things did not work out for another day. I remember that. Everything you made for me from the first crayon mark on a piece of paper, to all your cut out art projec...
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By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
It seemed like Winter was going to last forever. The cold weather subsided and the right of passage that comes with a warmer climate starts to take hold. Activity starts to pick up and it takes off where everything is in a buzz like crazy for what seems to be months and months and all of a sudden things slow down. Sound familiar? Bee keeping in Wisconsin is no different than the cycle of real estate that has been in me for years. When everything is in line we get a taste of the honey and the fruits of our labor. When it's not in line the whole colony feels it, and it effects us all. Waukesha County real estate agents know this. They work hard to make things happen.   Waukesha County Real Estate has had it's share of ups and downs in the last couple of years but buying a home in Waukesh...
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By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
 In the Waukesha County real estate market I start my day looking at where my prospecting will take me in the day. I always look at the expired listings and ask myself why that home was not priced effectively from the beginning. A seller will clean up their home, make the necessary repairs,get rid of clutter, and do what ever it takes to have a visually aesthetic home. The one thing is that it is still way over priced with other homes on the market, and the comparables could never support it."But we have a custom bird bath in the backyard and the home down the street does not have one!" Granted the bird bath is charming but not everyone wants one, and I don't think it is a shrine that makes the home $75,000 higher in price. It's often hard to get the point across that in today's market ...
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