Getting a Conventional Loan After a Short Sale
By Lisa Bear (RE/MAX REALTY CENTER) Waukesha,MilwWI Real Estate 2628935555
(Buyers Agent/Luxury/Lake/REO, listing package options)
by Inlanta Madison on April 27, 2012 · Based on the struggling economy of the past 3 years many homeowners have been forced get rid of their property through a short sale. As people rebuild their credit and improve their incomes they are starting to get the itch to buy a home again. Here are the general guidelines for qualifying for a conventional mortgage following a short sale. Be Patient The first thing to understand is that time heals all wounds, even credit problems. Most lenders will require the people wait a minimum of two years up to a maximum of four years following the short sale of their home. Lenders require this passage of time to give people a chance to re-establish their credit and also improve their financial habits that will lead to better budgeting and better savin...