Responsible Computer Recycling, Madison Wi
By Real Estate Guy in Madison, Wisconsin, Real Estate Guy
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I spent a short 30 minutes on Saturday, doing the "right thing" with my consumer electronics which had piled up in my basement over the years. I have not wanted to dispose of, especially throw into the trash.Then I learnt about FILE13. And soon after paid a visit with a car load of old computers. Recycling ComputersFile13 is in Verona, just near Madison Wisconsin, They will arrange a pickup, but I am close enough and interested enough to take a field trip. Like anything good, there is a cost, (about $25 for a full computer and printer) or it can be by the pound. They also take computers from charities. The operation in Wisconsin is very simple, they simply load piles of components onto pallets, piled up to the semi's roof (12 ft i think) and ship it out to their processing plant in ...