
Stevens Point, WI Real Estate News

By Bob Crane, Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671
(Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified)
Welcome Back UWSP Students - Enjoy some Culture at the Fine Arts Center  I am not a very artistic person but I do enjoy other people's art, so I never miss an opportunity to wander through this building on campus. The Exhibits change often and there is always something to see and enjoy. More UWSP posts   Welcome Back UWSP Students - The College of Natural Resources (CNR) Welcome Back UWSP Students - Enjoy the CNR Mural Welcome Back UWSP Students –Take a hike over to Belts Welcome Back UWSP Students - Enrich your Spiritual life Welcome Back UWSP Students - Enjoy a Break at the DUC Welcome Back UWSP Students - Science Building and Paper Science Center   and a few more to come this week
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By Bob Crane, Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671
(Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified)
Welcome Back UWSP Students - Science Building and Paper Science Center More UWSP posts   Welcome Back UWSP Students - The College of Natural Resources (CNR) Welcome Back UWSP Students - Enjoy the CNR Mural Welcome Back UWSP Students –Take a hike over to Belts Welcome Back UWSP Students - Enrich your Spiritual life Welcome Back UWSP Students - Enjoy a Break at the DUC   and a few more to come this week
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By Bob Crane, Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671
(Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified)
Welcome Back UWSP Students - The College of Natural Resources (CNR)   Http://   The College of Natural resources was founded in 1970 and is a multi-disciplinary collage concentrating on all facets of natural resource management including Forestry, Wildlife, Waters and Soils and many sub disciplines that go with these.   Even if you are not into one of these majors there are plenty of reasons to take a shortcut through here.     The terrarium     The alligator     The eagle     The Forestry Hall of fame     The stairway murals     The big mural on the south wall     The cool carving in the west lobby   Check out the video     Http://  
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By Bob Crane, Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671
(Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified)
Welcome Back UWSP Students - Enjoy the CNR Mural     Just before I started attending UWSP in 1981 I had the pleasure of watching a group of art students assembling and installing the big Natural Resource Mural on the south side of the College of Natural Resources.     It is a fascinating computer generated mural of several natural history type scenes all made up of little ceramic tiles with various natural resource related images including wildlife, trees, water molecules, paper machines, surveying equip and many other natural resource images.     Stop by spend some time enjoying the simplicity and complexity of this impressive work of art and engineering.       Far away view from across the sundial.             Up close and personal images of tiles within the mural.  
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By Bob Crane, Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671
(Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified)
Welcome Back UWSP Students –Take a hike over to Belts  No visit to Point is complete without sharing some fun at Belts, as long as the snow is not too deep, belts is the place to enjoy a huge ice cream or take your friends from out of town.   More UWSP posts
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By Bob Crane, Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671
(Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified)
Welcome Back UWSP Students - Enrich your Spiritual life   There are several opportunities on and around campus for a little prayer, besides the obvious classrooms just before a test.   Stevens Point is a town full of churches with a great opportunity for students of most faiths to spend some time with God.   A few notable places to check out include The Newman Center, St Stan’s, and the Peace Lutheran Campus Center.               When looking for a great Home while attending UWSP, give us a call, we can help.        
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By Bob Crane, Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671
(Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified)
Welcome Back UWSP Students - the DUC   When I was at UWSP this was known as the UC or University center, but more recently somebody thought it would be a good idea to put a very attractive addition on the front with several stores and of course let the current students pay a pile of extra cash.   Along with this new addition, came a new name, it is now known as the Lee Sherman Dreyfuss University Center, at first this was shortened to the LSDUC, but someone thought that it might look a little strange to have LSD in the name of the new addition so it was shortened a little more to the DUC or "duck", which is an ok name for a university center with so many wildlife majors around.   This is a great place to spend some time, great for meetings, relaxing, eating lunch, having coffee and so m...
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By Bob Crane, Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671
(Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified)
Pacelli High School Panacea 2013! The Panacea is in full swing now with lots of fun for everyone, and there is still one day left, dont miss out on your chance for some great entertainment and delicous treats. Enjoy the video, and come on down!     Friday: 4:00 pm - 11:00 pm Saturday: 11:00 am -11:00 pm Sunday: 11:00 am - 6:00 pm (Raffle drawings at 5:30 pm) Some of the attractions that you will find include Enormous Silent Auction Carnival & Rides-Wrist Band Specials Car Raffle Cash Raffle Panacea Idol Bands & Entertainment-All Weekend Kickball Tournament-Saturday (View Registration Form here) Famous Fish Fry-Friday Food & Beverages Polka Pow Wow Super Bingo Farmer's Market Mini-Raffle Basket Raffle Cherry Tree Kiddyland Money Tree Spiritwear Shop
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By Bob Crane, Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671
(Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified)
The Square in Stevens Point Wisconsin               When I first moved to Stevens Point to attend college, the square was more known to us kids as a place with dozens of bars and a farmers market that we seldom attended.           These days with a higher drinking age, less college public drinking and thus less bars, it is a place with shops, offices and a renewed farmers market with a large beautiful fountain.                   The historic Mathias Mitchell Public Square in downtown Stevens Point is home to the longest running farmers market in the State of Wisconsin. The two square-block marketplace at the end of Main St. has been the focal point for farmers selling their wares since Mitchell donated it to the town in 1847.                    The market is open from May through Octobe...
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By Bob Crane, Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671
(Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified)
Michael Koziczkowski Park in Stevens Point Wisconsin Stevens Point is a wonderful little city with a wealth of trees and parks, it seems that every time I turn around I discover another nice little park. Today I discovered Michael Koziczkowski Park and thought that it might me nice to share a little glimpse of it with you so I took out my phone and recorded a quick little tour for you to enjoy. Next time you are in Point, give me a call and we can go explore one of these parks together.
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By Bob Crane, Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671
(Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified)
Pacelli High School Panacea The event we have been waiting for all summer, fall is here and so is the Pacelli Panacea!   9/6/2013 to 9/8/2013   Pacelli High School 1301Maria Drive Stevens Point WI 54481 715-341-2445   Fri- 4-11pm Sat-11am-11pm Sun-11am-6pm   Kickball Tournament-Saturday Famous Fish Fry-Friday Enormous Silent Auction Car Raffle Cash Raffle Bands and Entertainment- Carnival and Rides-Wrist Band Specials Food and Beverages Polka Pow Wow Super Bingo Farmer's Market Mini-Raffle Basket Raffle Cherry Tree Kiddyland Money Tree Spiritwear Shop   Watch for some video from this event in the contest next week.    
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By Gwenn Tanvas, The Mortgage Gal, 920.267.7891~ SMART - INNOVATIVE
(NEXA Mortgage LLC an Equal Housing Lender NMLS # 1660690)
 Check out the virtual tour of this beautiful New 3 bedroom new home for sale in Stevens Point. Your family will enjoy the neighborhood, Whiting Manor Subdivision....close to shopping, Green Circle Trail, and schools.  This new 3 bedroom home for sale in Stevens Point is withing walking distance to McDill Elementary School and Ben Franklin Jr. High School.  This new 3 bedroom home for sale in Stevens Point is just one property available through Bergman Builders, one of Stevens Points premier home builders. 1916 Manor Drive Stevens Point, WI 54481 NEW Custom 3 Bedroom Ranch Home in Stevens Point Home   Photo Gallery   Virtual Tour   Property Map   Payment Info   Request Showing     Bergman Builders   Office: 715.341.5982 Website: Visit Website Price : $319,900 Bedrooms : 3 Bathrooms : 2....
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By Bob Crane, Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671
(Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified)
Hiking & Biking on the Green Circle Trail in Stevens Point, Wisconsin   Yesterday we were working on a house of ours near the Green Circle Trail and while the crew was busy working Jack and I decided to take a break for a bike ride along the Wisconsin River on the The Green Circle Trail.   My trusty sled dog Jack generally enjoys pulling me all over town and today is no exception however he is very distracted by all of the squirrels today that are busy gathering acorns around all of the big Red Oaks along the trail.     Enjoy this and let me know if there are any questions that I can answer about the lovely city of Stevens Point.  
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By Bob Crane, Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671
(Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified)
Belts opens Today   Belts Ice Cream is one of our favorite attractions drawing visitors from around the state with their huge cones and other delicious treats.   I was pleased to see long lines of hardy folks climbing over snowbanks to get to the first of this icy treat while I was speeding through town between rental showings today.   I enjoy Belts as much as anyone and am pleased to be living only a few blocks from it, and always use in the description line when advertising the many homes that I rent in this part of town, yet I will wait a little while before I make my first trip, I will at least wait until the snowbanks melt down to only a few feet tall.
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By Elia Velazquez
(Prism Real Estate)
Great News for home owners in Wisconsin!  Wisconsin is one of the top states in the mid-west when it comes to home prices.  Although, home sales declined by 10.8% on 2007, prices increased .2% We cannot compare the Wisconsin housing market to the national indicators. It is true that 2007 was a rough year for Real Estate, but we don't have a huge fall to recouperate from.  Don't lose hope if your house hasn't sold yet!  Click on the link below, to view WRA housing statisticsPortage County Housing Statistics 
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By Elia Velazquez
(Prism Real Estate)
 economy predictions, weather, media commentary are a just a few factorsWinter's crazy temperatures, caused home showings to slow down.  But honestly, who wants to leave their cozy and warm living room to get out there and go house hunting? Last week we were below 0 some Cities had windchill factors down to -45F. Right now is 36F the melting snow has ruined my shoes, but it has also caused my blackberry to ring non-stop! Good news sellers!!!! Buyers are out there, but weather is not the only factor, interest rates are so low that buyers are feeling pretty motivated. Stop feeling prisoner because your home hasn't sold. 
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Stevens Point, WI Real Estate Professionals