Sequim Real Estate Market is Localized
By Chuck Marunde, Sequim Real Estate Broker
(Sequim & Port Angeles Real Estate)
The Sequim real estate market, as well as Port Angeles', is uniquely localized, but that is true of much of the country. National markets, trends, and regional economic variables impact, but do not determine local prices and sales. There is one market that impacts Sequim and Port Angeles home sales more than most, and that is the California market. If California homeowners are not able to sell their homes, a significant percentage of buyers of homes and land in Sequim and Port Angeles go away. But there are signs of improvement. "Despite all the dire headlines about the drop in real estate prices, 56 percent of the 292 metropolitan areas surveyed nationwide showed net price appreciation for the past year. . . . Kerry Killinger, CEO of Washington Mutual, said his company is seeing 'a sl...