I've Been Busy Lately....
By Heather Adkinson, Real Estate Agent - Moses Lake
(Windermere K-2 Realty LLC www.propertiesinmoseslake.com)
Yes I know I haven't been very busy blogging lately and I'll tell you why.... I'm building a HOUSE! Yes me, I'm building a house. It's a very pretty blue house that has been in a box in my basement for the last 6 years. I bought this 'house' with good intentions years ago thinking "I'm going to build this house for my daughter," and I never got around to it. Now instead of building it for my daughter her and I are able to build it together. This is what it will look like (I hope) when we are finished. Thats provided, of course, that I finish it. I did start assemblying it in the middle of my living room in hopes that if it is in the middle of everything I will actually work on it. I've also determined that until it's finished there will be no Christmas decorations. Right now it...