Paperless Transactions for Real Estate
By Lana Robbins Licensed Managing Broker/Owner, Licensed in Washington, Florida, and Hawai'i
(Aloha Kai Real Estate)
One great thing about the State of Washington is that people are accustomed to digital transactions. It's convenient for buyers and sellers to be able to sign a document or documents using an IPad. They can get a copy sent to their email within minutes. Instead of having to wait for 24 hours for a copy they can have a copy within minutes so that they can put it in their files.Paperless transactions also save ink, trees, papers, and cartridges. Ink cartridges can be a huge problem for landfills if they are not recycled. What better way to contribute to treating Mother Earth well by cutting down on our use of ink, trees, papers, and cartridges.Granted for some transactions and some customers they prefer to have their documents in hardcopy form but for those who don't... it's a great option.