Hogs & Dogs Night at the Tri Cities Fever Arena Football Playoff Game
By Cassie Lane, 509.438.9344 - www.LaneRealEstateTeam.com
(Kennewick Richland (and West) Pasco WA Homes For Sale)
Monday night the Tri Cities Fever Arena Football team will be going head to head with the West Texas Ruffnecks in game 1 of the playoffs. In celebration of the playoff games the Tri Cities Fever team is joining with the West Richland Chamber of Commerce to hold a Hogs & Dogs night. You don’t want to miss out, this is a great event for the whole family. Tickets will be sold for $10 each if purchased through the West Richland Chamber of Commerce by Friday night. Check out our blog on the Hogs & Dogs Night at the Tri Cities Fever Arena Football Playoff Game for more information. As always, if needing West Richland WA homes, or a West Richland Wa Realtor®, please contact me or phone me (Colleen Lane) any time: 509.438.9344