
Covington, WA Real Estate News

By geri wehry, your agent for life
(RE/MAX Select R.E.)
    Happy Friday to all!   I am sorry that I have not had any quotes for you for a couple of weeks, but I have been busy :)     I am guessing you can tell from the picture what might have kept me busy!!  Yep, my daughter got married on the 19th and my life has been in wedding mode for several weeks. I am happy to say that the wedding was before the crazy heat wave hit Seattle and we had the most amazing day.  Highs in the 70's, light breeze and just perfect. I hope you have a great weekend and I am back on track and will see y'all next Friday.   ...geri   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect.  It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections.     -Unknown       An idea not coupled with action wil...
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By geri wehry, your agent for life
(RE/MAX Select R.E.)
    Happy Friday!!! I hope this finds you having a mervelous day.  I wanted to let everyone who follows this Friday Weekly Words of Wisdom know that I won't be posting any quotes next Friday.  My daughter is getting married next weekend, so I have a hunch that my day will be filled!!  Have a great day and I will share some pictures after the big day! ...geri ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   If you judge people, you have not time to love them.    -Mother Teresa       Disappointment proves that expectations were mistaken.  -Mason Cooley       We forfeit three-fourths of ourselves in order to be like other people.  -Arthur Schopenhauer       Don't look to become a person of success,  look instead to become a person of value.  -Albert Einstein
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By geri wehry, your agent for life
(RE/MAX Select R.E.)
  Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!   And Happy 4th of July Weekend.  I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend.  It is looking to be a banner weekend here in the Pacific Northwest :)   I hope wherever you are it is just as lovely.   Enjoy this weeks selections of quotes and I will see you next Friday.   ...geri     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forget past mistakes. Forget failures.  Forget about everything except what you're going to do now - and do it!      -William Durant       It's not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes the difference.    -Paul "Bear" Bryant     The first and most important step toward success is the feeling that we can succeed.  -Nelson Boswell   The purpose of life is to live it, to taste it, to experience i...
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By geri wehry, your agent for life
(RE/MAX Select R.E.)
  Happy Friday to all!!!   Last weekend we had some family members fly in to attend the Mother of all Father's Day Brewfests with us!  We had a great time and while we were there I captured this photo.  If you look carefully you will see a rainbow - smiling down on us.  I have never seen an upside down rainbow, it was pretty awesome! Enjoy this weeks selections of quotes and I will see y'all next Friday. ...geri ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly;  it is dearness only that gives everything its value.         -Thomas Paine       The past that influences our lives is often not what actually happened  but what we believe happened.       -Gerald W. Johnson       Throughout the centuries there have been men...
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By geri wehry, your agent for life
(RE/MAX Select R.E.)
Happy Friday!!!!!!!   I hope that everyone has had a wonderful week.  Enjoy this weeks selections of quotes and to all the Dad's out there have a wonderful Father's Day!!   ...geri   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     In a full heart there is room for everything, and in an empty heart there is room for nothing.                     -Antonio Prochia     Abundance is not something we acquire.  It is something we tune into.   -Wayne Dyer     We must overcome the notion that we must be regular...   It robs you of the chance to be extraordinary and leads you to the mediocre.      -Uta Hagen     Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.   -Robert Louis Stevenson
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By geri wehry, your agent for life
(RE/MAX Select R.E.)
      Happy Friday to everyone!   Sorry I had no quotes last week since I was gone.  But my trip back east for my daughters wedding shower with family was a great success!!!!  I was a bit sleep deprived by the time I got back - we were gone less than 3 days so quite a distance to travel in that short of a time - but we had a marvelous time. Below is this weeks selections of quotes.  Enjoy and I will see y'all next Friday ...geri ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   What is a cynic?  A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.     -Oscar Wilde     I do not understand the mystery of grace - only that it meets us where we are, but does not leave us where it is found us.     -Anne Lamott     Conditions are never just right.  People who...
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By geri wehry, your agent for life
(RE/MAX Select R.E.)
                       Daytime Lane Closures on SR-516                                           Expect Long Delays                                       Construction Scheduled for June 15 - July 10 Starting Monday, June 15th, expect daytime lane closures on SR-516 / Kent Kangley Rd. from Highway 18 to 168th Place S.E.  This will be in effect to allow for the installation of a new median over a four week period. One lane in each direction will be closed for the construction.  One eastbound lane will close from 5 a.m. to 3 p.m. and one westbound lane will close from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily.  The City of Covington recommends planning ahead for traffic delays during the construction period or altering your schedule or route to avoid the lane closures. The median installation is one part of...
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By geri wehry, your agent for life
(RE/MAX Select R.E.)
    The City of Covington to hold a Teen Focus Group The City of Covington is inviting all teens to come share their thoughts and ideas about what should be at Covington's new park - to be located at 240th and 180th Streets.  The meeting will be held on Thursday, June 18th from 7 - 8 p.m. The focus group will be held in the Community Room  at Covington city Hall, located at 16720 SE 271st Street.  For more information please contact Scott Thomas, Parks & Recreation Director at 253-638-1110 ext. 3270 or email him at      
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By geri wehry, your agent for life
(RE/MAX Select R.E.)
       HAPPY FRIDAY!!   I hope your Friday is as nice and beautiful as mine.  We are having the most amazing weather here in Seattle.    This was a picture of the mountain that I captured yesterday while I was out and about.  It was truly stunning!   I won't be posting any quotes next Friday - I am flying back east with my daughter for the weekend.  She is getting married in July and many members of our family can't make the trip to Seattle. So we decided to fly her to them and have a bridal shower there, so they can be part of her special day.   Enjoy the quotes and I will see you in two weeks.   ...geri   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything.    -Unknown       In three words I can sum up e...
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By geri wehry, your agent for life
(RE/MAX Select R.E.)
  Ahhh, spring in the Pacific Northwest!   And what a wonderful day we are having.  As a matter of fact, they are saying the entire holiday weekend should be like this.  How special is that!!!   Enjoy this weeks quotes and have a wonderful holiday weekend, wherever you are.   ...geri     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   When you reach for the stars, you may not get one, but you won't come up with a handful of mud either.   -Leo Burnett       Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.  -Soren Kierkegaard       God has given to men one tongue, but two ears, that we may hear from others twice as much as we speak.  -Epictetus       Aim above morality.  Be not simply good; be good for something.    -Henry David Thoreau       Pain...
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By geri wehry, your agent for life
(RE/MAX Select R.E.)
City of Covington Creates New Facebook Page   The City of Covington is jumping on the bandwagon.  They have created their own Facebook page in an effort to reach more residents and people interested in the events, opportunities and happenings in the City.   You can view the City's new Facebook page by going to the City of Covington's Facebook page or by searching for "City of Covington, WA" on Facebook.  If you are a Facebook member, you can become a fan of the City's page and keep up-to-date with information and posts. Wow, just one more way to stay connected on Facebook.  
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By geri wehry, your agent for life
(RE/MAX Select R.E.)
  Happy Friday to all!   As many of you know, every Friday I share a picture and some of my favorite quotes.  Well this weeks picture is in honor of my daughter and son-in-law.  It is a picture of Columbia University, where they have been living and studying and working for the past two years.  Next week they will both graduate from the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science.  Congrats to them both!!! And if their graduating is not exciting enough, once they finish up next week they will be coming back to Seattle!!!!!!!!!  Now that is really how to make a mom happy :) I hope everyone has a great week, enjoy the quotes and I will see you next Friday. ...geri ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   A man cannot be comfortable without his own a...
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By geri wehry, your agent for life
(RE/MAX Select R.E.)
What do you envision Covington's downtown will look like?  Do have an idea of what kind of town center the city should plan?  The City of Covington wants to hear from you at their upcoming public meeting on Wednesday, May 27th at 6:30 p.m. in the Covington Community Room at Covington City Hall.   This public meeting is the second of two meetings aimed to gain the public's input and opinions about Covington's Downtown Plan.  The upcoming meeting will focus more about forms of town centers and alternate locations for a town center within the city.  The public meeting and open house will provide information about the Downtown Plan revisions and opportunities to share views about what Covington's future downtown should be.   The Downtown/Town Center public meetings are open to the public, n...
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By geri wehry, your agent for life
(RE/MAX Select R.E.)
    RATES GOING UP... On May 11 the price for a 1-ounce First-Class Mail stamp will increase from 42¢ to 44¢. Prices for other mailing services - Standard Mail, Periodicals, Package Services (including Parcel Post), and Extra Services - will also change.   According to the post office's website the rates will be as follows... First Class Mail Letters - first                               .44 Large envelopes - first ounce        .88 Parcels - first ounce                    1.22 Additional ounces                         .17 Postcard                                     .28       Customers can use their Forever Stamps - regardless of when purchased - to mail 1-ounce letters after the price change, without the need for additional postage. Forever Stamps are widely available through the Post ...
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By geri wehry, your agent for life
(RE/MAX Select R.E.)
  Happy Friday to everyone!   I hope that everyone is having a nice day and to all the Mom's out there, a very Happy Mother's Day weekend.  Here are my quotes to share this week.  Enjoy and I will see you next Friday :) ...geri   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing.     -Benjamin Franklin       Skate to where the puck is going and not to where it's been.    -Wayne Gretzsky       It is unfilled dreams that keep you alive.   -Robert Schuller       When we put ourselves in the other person's place, we're less likely to want to put him in his place.            -Farmer's Digest       Do your little bit of good where you are;  it's those little bi...
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By geri wehry, your agent for life
(RE/MAX Select R.E.)
  On Saturday May, 9th The National Association of Letter Carries, in conjunction with the United States Postal Service,  will be collecting non-perishable food items like canned meats and fish, canned soup, juice, pasta, vegetables, cereal and rice to help families in need in our community.   You can help by placing your food donation at your mailbox on May 9th, before your letter carrier arrives.  It will be taken to the Post Office and then delivered to a local food bank.    Please make sure the itmes you dontate are not expired or in glass containers.  The local food banks are in great need.  In these tough economic times, donations are down and the need is up.  Thank you for whatever you can do to help this great cause.    
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By geri wehry, your agent for life
(RE/MAX Select R.E.)
  Arbor Day may have come and gone, but not for the City of Covington.  They will be holding a "belated' Arbor Day Celebration on Saturday, May 16th from 9 a.m. to noon. Everyone is welcome to come and help plant trees and plants along the parking strip near Mattson Middle School and the Gerry Crick Skate Park. This project will help brighten the roadway and sidewalk! Please bring gloves, shovels and rakes. Plants, bark and top soil is provided by the City.   Date:  Saturday, May 16th Time:  9 a.m. to noon Location:  164th AVE SE. For more information call Dan Wesley at (253) 638-1110 or email at  
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By geri wehry, your agent for life
(RE/MAX Select R.E.)
Traffic collisions are the leading cause of death among kids in the State of Washington. So, throughout the month of May, Covington's police force will be stepping up patrols and increasing education efforts around child passenger safety.  One of their officers, Jason Stanley, noticed that at many of his traffic stops, peple are often not in compliance in regards to children in moving vehicles, so he has pushed for this education.  He has a baby on the way, and he was surprised at how hard it can be install a car seat properly. So thanks to his efforts, during the first week of May, education flyers will go home with elementary school kids in Covington on the laws of child passengers and information about where to find fitting stations in the area. Simultaneously, during the first two w...
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By geri wehry, your agent for life
(RE/MAX Select R.E.)
    Happy Friday to everyone!   And what an amazing Friday we are having here in the Pacific Northwest.  It is one of those Chamber of Commerce days...  Low 70's, light breeze and nothing but sunshine.  I was showing houses in Bonney Lake today and The Mountain was out and saying hello to everyone!!  :)  Here is one of the many pictures I captured.  Enjoy this weeks quotes and I will see you again next Friday. ...geri ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What is the use of running when you are on the wrong road?   -An old saying       A wise man hears one word, but understands two.  -Jewish Proverb       Challenges can be stepping stones or stumbling blocks.  It's just a matter of how you view them.              -Unknown       A belief is not merely an ...
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