And he could crack a few mortgage rates!We all know what happens next: as the market rallies, safe money tends to leave the bonds stable as traders and investors leap onto the wild horse for the ride up. You can hear them yelling giddy-up around the world. You see, market traders have come to consider the market a quick in and quicker out place to do business. They don't call them 'day traders' for nothing. Buy your Citibank at 6, sell at 6.5 and dump before nightfall. Get back in the next morning at 5.75 and do it again. A few do fall off that famous Wall from dizziness. CURRENCY CONTEXT: The general freak-out recently has been over the questionable value of our US Dollar, the race to Gold and the lack of consumers to consume. China, our biggest trading partner, is peeved and suggestin...