
Allyn, WA Real Estate News

By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Everyone has heard the term going postal, well I have gone LOCAL -as in LOCALISM. I now carry a camera with me everywhere I go. I am taking pictures, asking questions, and looking for stories around every corner. If you have not looked in to LOCALISM yet, find out why so many of us are going LOCAL!
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
I wanted to share with all of you a comment made at one of my Listing appointments this week. The Sellers wanted to research Agents before they interviewed them. I am used to this, but I was surprised at how in depth they were. Pictures are important to showing a homes best qualities. Our new clients reviewed all that they could about our previous listings, pictures, wording, marketing and all. We were all ready half way through our appointment before we walked in the door. I like working with savvy clients, and I am honored that they chose our team. I did think it would be a good reminder to all of us, especially now, that we may think that once we sell a house it is on to the next, but it may be that same home that makes the difference between listing a home or not years into the future.
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Have you ever gone into a new listing to photgraph the home, and are met with challenges right from the start? My camera had something on the lense= a blury picture. Rain drops were showing up randomly outside = reshoot the front of the home again. Lighting issues = frustration and questions of what is next! Moving heavy personal items for a clean photo= Advil Moving lots of small personal items= got the picture, uhoh missed the keys on the counter. Now where did I find this? Where do I put this back at? Was it over here? Battery dies!!!!!= I am going back tomorrow. I have a few pictures to use now. What is a picture that you as an agent, could not live without when you want to interest a Buyer?
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
I wanted to share a picture with all of you- that I took yesterday. I love it because it is a real glimpse into the people you know, and love on Active Rain. Not only are they wonderful to work with, always going the extra mile for a client, they are also so good to one another. This picture depicts Diana Miller joining Active Rain. Richard Bell, and Valerie Spalding are walking her through the process.(even telling her what to add to her profile- Oh, tell them this, point out that, don't forget...) You can see how much they care about her, and how excited they are to have her Join the Active Rain family. We are all looking forward to Diana's blogs, and her rich description of living in Mason County. With all that we have going on around here-from kayaking Hood Canal, to Hiking the Oly...
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By Diana Miller, Brokerage Secretary, Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
OK... I jumped in, the water so far is nice and warm and I'm treading water as fast as I can. Trust me ya'all don't want to see a picture of me floating around in the water somewhere... not a pretty picture for your mind‘s eye :)  Most of the agents in our offices are either moving in the direction of becoming familiar with Active Rain.. are already very active and having a really good time, as well as learning from others out there... and / or now want everyone to have as much of a good time as they are having. That would be why I'm out here floating around right now!  Thank you, Dinah and Richard for pointing & moving me in this direction. Dinah wrote a blog welcoming me to AR. There were several nice comments back to her about it / me... thank you everyone! ... That also helped me ge...
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By Richard R. Bell, Broker-Manager, Allyn - Belfair Washington State Realtor
(Richard Bell - Windermere Peninsula Properties)
I want to thank each and everyone of you who have served and sacrificed for our Nation. Without you and all our fellow service members we would not have the privilege of living in the Greatest Country in the World. My Fellow Veterans, Be Proud of your service and be sure to show the Flag Today. I pray that my fellow veterans are in good health and are able to enjoy this Veteran Days. I Thank and honor all of you. Staff Sgt Richard Bell Vietnam Veteran, 25th Infantry Division, 1968 - 1969
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Please welcome Diana Miller to Active Rain. Diana works in my office, and she is a real joy. Always positive and very funny. I look forward to coming into the office when her car is there. I even stop in sometimes just because I see her car there. Diana is an avid quilter. She even takes quilting vacations. I hope you get a chance to see a few of her special ones here on Active Rain. She personalizes them with photos on the fabric itself. They are wonderful. I think one of my favorite things about Diana is her humor. I have had a bad day here and there, but by the time I leave the office I have been laughing again.  Please welcome Diana Miller to Active Rain, and share with her a few of your favorite groups that you have found here.
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By Josh Murphy, Belfair WA Real Estate, 360-710-3972
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
I am a lifelong resident to the gorgeous Kitsap Peninsula, I spend most of my time in two adjoining towns, Allyn and Belfair, Located in Mason County Washington. Our area out here is extremely unique. Belfair itself is nestled in a valley, if you follow the Hood Canal to the tip, our town is located right there. We have extremely gorgeous veiws on the hillsides of our town, that look directly down the Hood Canal, as well as directly at the Olympic Mountains, creating breathtaking view properties, this provides exquisite properties for people to enjoy in our area. Mason County also offers several lakes for all to enjoy. From the massive Mason Lake, to some smaller ones such as Tiger Lake. On any given weekend you will find all water-sports enthusiasts splashing away in our sunshine, or s...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
I was almost done with blogs for the evening.I love reading them, and that always inspires me to write a few. As I started to put everything away for the evening, I noticed that my husband is now calling my office the "blogging room". I think it is a veiled attempt to point out my abnormal blogging needs, but I choose to see it as a compliment.Kind of like the "Situation Room" on the news. So the office is no more. I now have a blogging room. Do any of your spouses drop hints about too much blogging? Or have special names for it?
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By Josh Murphy, Belfair WA Real Estate, 360-710-3972
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Often when I am talking with clients looking to buy in the near future, the subject of credit comes up. What are some ways to build healthy credit when starting with no credit? How can you be sure you don't have to many lines of credit open. Lenders like to see money borrowed, but where is the point where healthy credit building becomes climbing into debt? Please post your thoughts and suggestions so that when people are working with minimal credit buyers, we can give them healthy advice.   Josh
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
I wrote a blog a few days ago about the mysterious painter in Allyn. A few people commented that it was strange to not have a name to go with the painter. Well, he has one now. The mystery painter in Allyn is... John Moore! As John Moore traveled through our little town he noticed a lot of gray buildings, and decided to do something about it. I for one appreciate the colorful images he has painted here. He originally came from Maquoketa, Iowa, and he has painted all over the state of Wisconsin. John has lived a colorful life including entertaining crowds from Nashville to Hollywood. He has worked as a singer, musician, and professional entertainer.He is currently traveling over 50 miles a day just to put his mark on our happy little town. If you are out there somewhere John, and have a ...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Josh Murphy is new to our office, but not that new to the real estate business. We are very glad to have him on board. One of the first things that Josh did when he got here was to sign up for Active Rain. He already has two posts,and they are great. Please take a moment to welcome him to the Active Rain family, and maybe even share your favorite sites with him! Welcome Josh!
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By Josh Murphy, Belfair WA Real Estate, 360-710-3972
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
There truly is one thing that I have enjoyed, and will continue to enjoy about this market. One hurdle with my personal business is my age. However, my maturity does tend to set me with a crowd slightly older. I am slowly starting to pick up buyers, first time home buyers. Generally I speak with friends, distant and close, that are currently renting. Once I get the chance to fully explain this market to them, they do often agree that this is a good time to buy. I spoke with another lady last night, that perfectly fits the scenario of the couple I worked with in my first deal. Young, married, currently renting, good job, decent credit. A lot of people in their young 20's that I speak with are still in the mindset of our market a few years ago of a home being a purchase they cannot afford...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
I just read about a great site. It is Another Active Rain blogger, Jeannette Neerpat, shared this site in her blog from Florida, and I wanted all of you here in Washington to be able to find it. I expect some really great deals this year- so go and check it out. Happy Shopping! Don't forget to pick me up something nice-Dinah Lee
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
  Yes, it is raining again here in Western Washington. So today I have spent most of my time on Active Rain. I love all of the posts, and finding new people to read and share with. One of my favorite places to go is Localism.   I love my community, and sharing about it, but I also love reading about yours. Localism is a fantastic way to share from coast to coast. To go spend a little time in a town off the beaten path. To check out the neighborhood your friends and family just moved into, or to find out more about a place you would want to visit. There are plenty of pictures and locals who can give you an on line tour like no one else can.This brings me to some exciting news that I want to share with all of you in Mason County. Washington State, and beyond. Our North Mason Chamber of Co...
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By Richard R. Bell, Broker-Manager, Allyn - Belfair Washington State Realtor
(Richard Bell - Windermere Peninsula Properties)
This morning at the Allyn Community Association meeting, I took upon myself to announce to the attendees that the local Real Estate community has been very active in providing informative commentary, photos and chitchat about the community and posting it to LOCALISM. It was convincingly suggested that each attendee go to the LOCALISM web site today and read what is being reported. The response was very favorable and the discussion appeared to encourage the Realtors that attended the meeting to continue to be acting as blogging ambassadors for the community. Also, in the Local newspaper, Localism was featured in my weekly News article know locally as  "The Real State of Real Estate",  the message was to promote Localism and see for themselves what the real estate contributors to localism...
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By Richard R. Bell, Broker-Manager, Allyn - Belfair Washington State Realtor
(Richard Bell - Windermere Peninsula Properties)
  While I was taking me early evening pleasure with a glass of fine 12 year old Irish Whiskey, I was having an expressive discourse on Community Planning with a fellow Businessman and community activist. We began to converse on the subject of why the good folks of our small town of Allyn, in the great State of Washington, were always trying to reinvent itself. You hear them declare "We must plan for new roads...a new proposal for land use and zoning...need a study for this and that...the county should pay for it...and so on and so on." After a lively exchange of vocalizing our trepidation on Community Planning, we asked ourselves "What's the deal with all this anxiety to always toil to do something new"? "Why can't we just be content with what we have"? As I savored more of the fresh an...
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By Valerie Spaulding, Allyn-Belfair-Hood Canal-Local Expertise!
(Windermere Peninsula Properties~Allyn~Belfair~WA)
Some people would like specifics about their particular neighborhood as opposed to the whole county.  We tend to "generalize" probably more than not. I hope this is beneficial to those who would prefer a little more detail... LakeLand Village -Located in North Mason County in the town of Allyn, WA The brief summary is that it seems April, September and October of this year has seen the most homes sold (3 in April and October and 4 in September) this year in LakeLand Village indicating that buyers are starting to purchase again.  The inventory is also down from 42 active listings in the middle of October to a current active inventory of 32 homes. The end of October there were 34 active listings. The other months only recorded 1 sale per month.This gives an average sale of homes since the...
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By Valerie Spaulding, Allyn-Belfair-Hood Canal-Local Expertise!
(Windermere Peninsula Properties~Allyn~Belfair~WA)
This time of  year I start my thinking for next year's plans all around both personal and business- it is time to evaluate our family's affairs like homeowners insurance, car insurance etc for next year along with my business plan. I didn't used to do this with my insurance as often as I should have. Actually I take that back.... WE DID DO IT, we just figured that we had enough (it seemed like a lot when we looked at the policy). We'd purchased homeowners insurance when we bought our house,we paid it every month and didn't think too much of it until we had to file a claim 4 years ago because our home burned down.  Don't get me wrong, our insurance company's service was great. The coverage we had was good... The home itself was covered,but where we fell short was our personal belongings....
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
I am blogging this morning to ask you all a favor. I need some suggestions on how to get nasty odors out of a home that is currently on the market. From the pictures online you would never know that the owners had exotic cats. However the moment you walk in the front door you can't forget it. I am not exactly sure where the odor is coming from, but I do not see this house selling until it is dealt with. So beyond burning it to the ground, does anyone have a suggestion?
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