
Allyn, WA Real Estate News

By Valerie Spaulding, Allyn-Belfair-Hood Canal-Local Expertise!
(Windermere Peninsula Properties~Allyn~Belfair~WA)
What has been going on in February 2009 in the LakeLand Village Real Estate Market? For those of you who do not know about LakeLand Village, check this LakeLand Link out - there are some great opportunities for home ownership and it is a community that offers many amenities within itself as does the surrounding area of Southern Puget Sound and Hood Canal. There are currently 27 homes for sale in LakeLand Village.  This is a decrease from the 34 in January. This is a "positive" movement for sellers and buyers beware,as this could be a turning point as far as prices go in LakeLand Village and LakeLand's homes for sale inventory!  Looking at the pending sales, we are finally seeing some movement as the buyers realize this market is a GREAT time to take the plunge into home ownership in Lak...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Some days are just meant for sleeping in and awaking to a hot cup of coffee, a quiet beach, and watching the waves gently draw on the shore. This is my morning. The sun is out the sky is bathed in light... and the world is waking up all around me in a sweet melody that is the Pacific Northwest.
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
I am sure that this would never effect any of you reading this post because you would never run a red light or get stuck in a stale yellow. I however am not so pleased with the photo enforced lights. I have been known to actually make mistakes from time to time. While this may save some embarrassment from being tagged on the side of the road- lights flashing, excuses stammering, all while you nervously dig for that registration you knew was in the glove box.Where is that $%@* thing?  I am not a big fan of the secret ticket that shows up in the mail unannounced. I like to at least have the chance to debate with the officer and plead my case on the spot.You never now it might work. So how do you feel about photo enforced lights/ love em or hate em... I would love to hear your input on thi...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Some days I have found myself wishing I had my camera handy. In fact Wednesday was one of those days for me. I found a brilliant rainbow jumping out of the whitest cloud I had ever seen. I just knew that there had to be something at the end of that Rainbow. Michelle does not have these regrets. Where ever she is her camera is certain to be found. After learning my lesson on Wednesday I had my camera ready to capture her in her natural state...grabbing photos on the spur of the moment off the side of the road.We apologize if you have been behind us when we find the perfect pic and have to pause for a moment and capture it before it is gone. Have you ever captured the picture of a lifetime or had an I wish I had my camera with me moment?
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
I look at clouds as opportunities.They are constantly changing and they always bring something. Be it rain or shade or the end to a rainbow... they are what you make them. Sometimes they hide the sleepy moon or move to allow the sun to find you, it is all what you choose to make it and how you choose to see it that leads you down the path of destiny.
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
I started getting into Face-Book this week. I was hoping to find my family from Norway and I found more. As I contacted people with the same last name some thought we might be related others not so sure. Then I found Rob. We knew right away after a few posts on the wall back and forth that are Grandpas were brothers. Rob had been to my Grandpas house many times. I even have photos of him in their family albums that are now mine. As much as I miss Grandpa finding Rob makes it seem like we are still connected even if it is a little distant. I am looking forward to calling my brother and hopefully getting together with everyone  soon. I can not say our family was without disagreement from time to time. There are probably reasons I had to find Rob this way, but I did. It reminds me not to l...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
I am sending you a link to my FAVORITE photographers website. He took the really neat polar bear photo I shared with you and he is a local Doctor at Mason General Hospital. The link is Wild Life Photography - By Dean Gushee. If you are not sold on checking it out-here is a sample...  
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By Michelle Roethle, Your NorthWest "Real Estate Solution"
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
These are photo's of my youngest two children and I enjoy the park that is located across the street from Lake Anderson.  LakeLand Village community offers so much more than just a Golf Course. I love to put my kids in the double jogger and run to the park. Lucky for me it's not too far because the 4 almost 5 year old is a load! 
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By Kristian Schonberg
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Here is the Market report for LakeLand Village as of February 20, 2009:  There are currently 32 homes active on the Northwest Multiple Listing Service in LakeLand Village, Allyn, Wa.  Prices range from a bank owned home on Rainier Dr. for $179,900 to new large homes at $690,000.  Since September, 12 homes have sold here.  Price per square foot of sold homes remains at $165.00.  An active golf course home listing I have on Soderberg is priced at $238,000, and is the 6th lowest priced home in LLV right now.  If you need to sell now, I will be happy to provide a Free Comparable Market Report.  Call or email me today. 
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
I found Frafjord and I wanted to share the pictures with you. Frafjord is important to me because it is part of our family home in Norway. My great Grandpa Espedal Married Marie from Frafjord a little town down the road.If you are from Espedal or Frafjord and Have that last name then you are more than likely family.  Our family tree is old and it goes back further than you can imagine. My grandpa showed it to me one day as a kid and I was shocked at the years that I saw. In the U.S. we have about a 200 year history. That is so small compared with the rest of the planet. Okay- enough typing here are the pictures...  
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
My maiden name is Dinah Lee Espedal. My family comes from a small town in Norway. If you are an Espedal then you are family. Being new to social networking I thought I would see if there were any other Espedal's on FaceBook. Obviously they all figured it out long before I did. I learned a lot and not all of it I wanted to know. Between the well known Death Metal performer, the drinking pictures, and the teletubby wana be. I am surprised at how much I can see us in them. Family is family and as I get to know them I see how much we have in common.I may never dress up like a yellow telletubby or sing on stage surrounded by goat heads but some of the conversations when you get down to a level that we can all relate to reminds me of every conversation I have ever had with our family. The sil...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Some days are diamonds. I fail at times to see the beauty all around me because it is always there. When you travel you begin to see just how special home really is. These are the days that remind you of why you are here. The deep colors of the sunset the rich tapestry of the mountains and the deep waters that slap the shore. Seagulls dive and jelly fish bounce along, the wind winds through the trees and the dark skys turn on the stars.. all in thought of a moment that was created in eternity.
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Just when you think it is over there is yet another revelation. Switching out the apple cider vinegar seemed to identify the culprit and yet as we turn the page we find that there is always a new chapter beginning. Sister number two found the surprise inside the body splash- humorus. She was caught and she knew it. She has never been one to admit defeat though.  After what seemed like a quiet afternoon at home I noticed daughter #2 was up to something. Just what... was a scary thought. She is MY daughter!!! I noticed that she was writing and observing. The thought that it might be homework crossed my mind but was quickly tossed aside once I witnessed her observing everything sister #3 did. She was taking notes! As Mom, I know this either means she is plotting or will be informing. The f...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
I am relatively new to blogging. I can't seem to help sharing every thought on my mind now. If I think it... I can post it. What a strange new world. I used to wonder if generations from now the world's people would have any idea who we were or what we did. Now I think they may have to. How can you avoid it. Every word, thought, action, or deed is now shared with all for all time. I know that my children's children's children's children- will know who I am. The ins and outs of my day, the good the bad the angry the sad, and all that led up to it all. It will all be here and they will find me long after I am gone...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Some days you just can't get enough of. This picture was taken last Thursday from the Ferry as it made it's way to Seattle to take a few of us from the office to REBAR camp in Seattle. The sky was misty and clearing, the water sang, and this light house enticed my camera...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
The Morning came very quickly and the girls and I headed out to catch and early Ferry. Along the way we stopped at the Pike Place Market to grab a quick cup of coffee...This is Seattle! I thought I would grab a few photos that you do not see in every publication about the market. "The Before" It is amazing just how quickly they work to set up in the morning. So here is a few rare before shots since I am sure you have all seen "The After..."
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
The day that I replaced the Mango Madness body wash with apple cider vinegar changed a lot in my family.The guilty party was discovered and I believe that the punishment fit the crime. If you are not up to speed with the issue I will give you a brief history. I have Three daughters. Daughter #3 had been noticing that her new body wash was disappearing at an alarming rate. She thought it was daughter #2's doing. We all did. Daughter number two has things that are just hers and we all have things that are "Just Hers". To know for sure I devised a plan of replacing the Mango Madness body splash with apple cider vinegar to flush out the culprit. It could be daughter #1 after all. Come to find out our suspicions were correct. It was Daughter #2. She reeked of Vinegar and showered aggressivel...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Seattle can be a beautiful place to visit. There are rumors of rain but there are sunny days and starlit nights as well.  Last Saturday my daughters and I headed over on the ferry for a day of shopping on the waterfront and this is the sunset we were given. It is  a luxury to live in the Northwest and be able to hop on a ferry and know that anywhere it docks you have an opportunity to have a unique experience that you will remember for a life time. The day began in Allyn and after a 20 minute trip to Bremerton, a 45 minute ride on the ferry it ended in an unforgettable sunset in Seattle.
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By Valerie Spaulding, Allyn-Belfair-Hood Canal-Local Expertise!
(Windermere Peninsula Properties~Allyn~Belfair~WA)
  Located in North Mason County, the small town of Allyn, WA boasts many appealing amenities for full time and part time residents.  One of the big draws to Allyn, WA is LakeLand Village, a residential golf course community with a private lake. The 27 hole golf course is open to the public and offers resident packages of golf as well with various options. LakeLand Village sits above the little town of Allyn offering some fantastic Mount Rainier and Puget Sound Views as well. Allyn itself borders and overlooks Case Inlet of Puget Sound which offers a pristine setting, gorgeous marine and Mt Rainier views and a destination for many recreational activities such as- kayaking, sailing, boating, walking. It is also notorious for its community spirit and pride. What is the real estate market l...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
We have been having an issue with the girls for a few months now. Daughter #2 takes what ever she wants from daughters#1 and #3. We have had talks and I have thought that I made my point quite clear. Apparently not. Daughter #3 is missing her new Mango Madness body wash. There is still some left, but every day there is less and less. I am tired of the updates. So here is my solution- daughter #3 could be wrong or she could be right and I have devised a way to tell. I removed the peachy colored scent and replaced it with apple cider vinegar. If daughter #3 is right daughter #2 is going to reek at school tomorrow. If she is wrong and it is daughter #1 then we will know. Either way I think the house is going to smell but it is the only way to tell.One thing is certain if daughter #3 is rig...
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