
Allyn, WA Real Estate News

By Valerie Spaulding, Allyn-Belfair-Hood Canal-Local Expertise!
(Windermere Peninsula Properties~Allyn~Belfair~WA)
   IS SPRING BRINGING THE BUYERS OUT in Allyn, WA? What has the real estate market been like in Allyn, WA?  Let's Take a look! The following takes into consideration, homes that are for sale that are currently listed, pending and/or sold with a professional real estate agent and company. In the area code of 98524, Allyn, WA, there are currently 50 homes for sale.  29 of these homes are located in LakeLand Village. The rest are sprinkled throughout the small village of Allyn - some waterfront as well. The price range for these homes start as low as $134,311 and vary all the way up to A $699,000 asking price which is a waterfront home offering 2889 sq ft of living along the pristine shores of the Treasure Island community. Average price per square foot overall for homes in Allyn, WA  is $...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
I received an e-mail this morning about closing the Mason County Parks as a way to save money for the  county. I find this very disturbing. It will essentially limit or end Little Leage in Mason County. I am opposed to closing the parks. If you agree with me please respond to the link provided and voice your opinion. Please consider contacting your state elected representatives WITHIN THE NEXT THREE-FOUR DAYS and ask they support sections 16-17 of the House Finance Committee Amendment to 2SSB 5433!!! District Legislators Senator Tim Sheldon Democrat Representative Kathy Haigh Position 1, Democrat Representative Fred Finn Position 2, Democrat Please take the time to share with our representatives. They will not know how we feel unless we tell them.
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
I took this picture of what I thought was a cool rock. Once I got home and put it on the computer I saw something else.  Can you see it? What does this mean to you? I found it uplifting. Like a reminder of a promise that was made to me centuries before I was even born...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
This weekend I went to a meeting over in Leavenworth Washington. It was very worth while and I learned of a great new blog site that you may want to check out. It is geared toward conservative thinkers and everyone is welcome. Here is a little clip off of the about us page.. Purpose of RNCC Website The RNCC website,, provides the principle means for the members of the Caucus to inform and to activate the American people to take the steps necessary to restore our Constitutional Republic. The website will provide posts on current public policy debates and Republican politics that provide particularly insightful analysis and information. The posts are intended to be timely and relevant. We hope you will want to read them. In addition, the website will be a source for impor...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
The morning was still and silent with the exception of the crystal drops that fell and then clung to every visible part of the earth. Shadows were hidden and the colors fled among the mist as it's breath sifted in between the limbs of the tall trees and wound down through the stones on the crusty ground. Where is spring? I thought these words to myself as I secretly enjoyed the moment and spied the hidden black bird amongst the thicket. I know you are here...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
I was on my way home to Allyn, Washington this morning when I saw this little church in the clearing.  The mountains that encircled the quaint chapel were freshly dusted in snow. The little brook that ran thought the grounds was clear and swift.  It has been one of my favorite places to think for many years now. It is though time stops here and no matter how many years come and go it is always just as it has always been...      Dinah Lee Griffey, 2008-2009. All photographs and/or written content produced by Dinah Lee Griffey. All rights reserved and may not be reproduced or reprinted without express written permission of Dinah Lee Griffey, real estate agent with Windermere Peninsula Properties, Allyn, Washington Real estate needs:
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By Richard R. Bell, Broker-Manager, Allyn - Belfair Washington State Realtor
(Richard Bell - Windermere Peninsula Properties)
According to, as of this post, there were 2,265,402 Foreclosure listings Nationwide. The State of Washington, at the time of this article, has recorded 7,187 Pre-foreclosures, 1,530 Sheriffs Sales, 8,406 Foreclosures and 4,131 Bankruptcies. Mason County, Washington, which I might point out is usually one year behind our large metropiltan areas, posted 46 Pre-foreclosures, 10 Sheriffs Sales, 92 Foreclosures and 34 Bankruptcies. In zip code 98528 there were 6 Pre-foreclosures, 2 Sheriffs Sales, 20 Foreclosures and 4 Bankruptcies. The Foreclosure Stats for area 98524 recorded 5 Pre-foreclosures, 1 Sheriffs Sale, 5 Foreclosure and 2 Bankruptcies. This past year our County has been affected with a bona fide Real Estate falling off. There have also been job losses, family chan...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Scientist discovered an asteroidheaded for earth with a 100% chance of impact. And they were right! It encountered the earths atmosphere and broke into fragments 13 hours after it's discovery and fragments landed in the Nubian Dessert in Northern Sudan. While the discover and capture are unique, it is a comfort to know that they have documented everything about this asteroid that hit the earth. It is the first time that they had enough notice to actually watch as it entered our atmosphere. I think this event should give us all a little comfort in knowing that we learned some incredible things and that we are more prepared for this event should it occure in the future. There is a 1% chance that this would happen let alone having the opportunity to witness it. I think it was a great momen...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
You can choose to just look at the picture and ignore the words. I find that it just draws me in.  I remember this night in Allyn, Washington. It was spring and the crickets were beginning to sound. The air was cool but the wind was warmer than it had been in months.The clouds were rolling in and they appeared to be lifting up the moon into place,high above the evergreen trees. And there she sat gazing down at all of creation as had been done since the beginning of time itself.
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Live More, Love More, Laugh More, Smile more, Sleep in, Read good books, Play Games, Sing Out Loud, Do a Cartwheel, Smell the Roses, Jump for Joy, Say something Sweet, Giggle, Say Hello first, Remember the good times, Eat Chocolate, Pray, Share, HUG, Tickle, Watch a sunset, Watch a sunrise, Just Be, Love Yourself, Because, Be Simple, Try, Give, Gather Together, Cheer, Paint,  Eat desert First, Taste Life...One Bite at a Time. Sometime we just have to live in the moment to know that we were really here. The best memories are the one you make together...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
It seems that today everyone is talking about short sales, foreclosures and getting something for next to nothing.Many people are falling into these categories, but what if YOU don't. What do all of these seldom used terms mean to someone who just wants to sell their home, at fair market value, or buy a home with a great loan, or cash? This means that you have negotiating POWER! When you place your home on the market at fair market value you can close on it in a reasonable amount of time. Usually 30 days after you accept an offer. It means that if there is an issue during the inspection you can have it fixed without a lot of negotiation and possibly blowing the deal. It means that your house is already nice and the buyers don't have to imagine the potential. You have it made. What if yo...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Beware of Foreclosure Rescue Scams - Help Is Free! There is never a fee to get assistance or information about Making Home Affordable from your lender or a HUD-approved housing counselor. Beware of any person or organization that asks you to pay a fee in exchange for housing counseling services or modification of a delinquent loan. Do not pay - walk away! Beware of anyone who says they can "save" your home if you sign or transfer over the deed to your house. Do not sign over the deed to your property to any organization or individual unless you are working directly with your mortgage company to forgive your debt. Never submit your mortgage payments to anyone other than your mortgage company without their approval While nothing in life is ever guaranteed I am supplying this link so that ...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
By now most people have heard of a Short Sale. In case you have not they are when a Seller is able to Sell their home with permission from the bank for less than they owe on the loan. Many in the real estate industry will claim to be an expert on the short sale. This may not be the case. Below is a list of questions to ask a potential Agent to see if they are Short Sale savvy.   1.Have you ever sold a short sale? 2. Have you ever listed a short sale before? 3.Have you been to Short Sale training? 4.What is included in a short sale packet? 5.How long will it take to close the transaction? 6.Do you work directly with my Lender, or do I? 7.How long will it take to get an accepted offer? 8.Do all Lenders work the same? 9.Have you ever worked with my lender in a short sale before? 10.How man...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
I know that the market appears down right now. A lot of people are saying it is a good time to buy a home and they are right. It is a great time to BUY a home... But what if you want or need to SELL your home? There is a bright side to that as well. 1. Most home owners have been able to write off the interest they pay on their mortgage. This has been a little benefit that your home has given you that most forget all about until tax time. 2. Your home has housed you or your family for quite some time. Even if you do not have a lot of equity and only break even... you essentially received free housing while you lived there.It is a though you borrowed a house. 3. Let's say you are not able to break even. You can do a short sale. In a short sale the bank will take less than is owed on the p...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
I rarely watch the news anymore. I try to keep upbeat even in the trying times. I do not always succeed but at least I give it my best shot. The story I saw on the news last night humbled me. People that are truly making a difference at a little cafe in Denver... It is called the Same Cafe. I  do not really know where they got the name I imagine it is because they treat everyone the same way...with dignity. You see they do not have prices on the menu. If you can pay you do. What ever you feel is appropriate. Most give more than they otherwise would because the Same Cafe also offers meals free of charge. They ask that you help out around the place. They feel that it is not a hand out people need... but a hand up.  The Same Cafe was featured on the NBC nightly news. I encourage you to go ...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Like a bowl of melty strawberry ice cream Mt Rainier sits outside my bedroom window in Allyn.  A tangled blue cloud watches from overhead. Mountains are magical. They entertain our moon with the stories of old,hiding her until she has the courage  to greet the night. The stars glitter in the mighty mountain's presence and all is well as long as she does not loose her temper!
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Yes, it is all her fault. I type and type and type... I have to get the words out that are trapped in my head. So what else can I do but send them out to all of you. Day after day post after post. They all remind me of the words I remember sitting on my mother's lap as she quietly read to me. Through the sniffles and the chilly winter afternoons her words were always there. A different thought, a rhyme, or a song from long ago always echoed. One more time, just one more time. Or the words my father spoke as I snuggled under the covers in my little wooden bed.Grandma's quilt wrapped around my tiny frame.A deep voice with quiet words followed the Jaberwokie as he reeked havoc. Poems, tales, and mysteries were spoken softly, in an almost menacing tone. Sleep always won no matter how hard I...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
When I looked up I saw a beautiful scene. The sky was still searching for the last drop of light as the stars began to make their appearance.  The moon was still swelling and as I peered out the window I could see the bright colors of the day fade away as the owls swooped from their perch with a whooo, and announce that dinner had been found. The crickets are chirping and the frogs answer. Another day had fallen behind the hill and the night is alive with wonder.
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
  Birth date:Monday, March 16, 2009 Time of birth: 7:37 AM Gender: Girl Weight: 8 pounds, 5 ounces Length: 20 inches Born to: Marin and Ryan At: Harrison Medical Center     Search again This beautiful little girl is the proud creation of my partner Ryan and his wife Marin. They are two very special people and I know Scarlett will be special to all of us. I am  so happy she is finally here. We did not know until today that this whole time we were waiting for a sweet baby girl. (the suspense was killing me!) Welcome to our world little Scarlett! We are glad that you are here!Congratulations Ryan and Marin...Good Job!
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By Valerie Spaulding, Allyn-Belfair-Hood Canal-Local Expertise!
(Windermere Peninsula Properties~Allyn~Belfair~WA)
A seller needs to know that his decision to allow me to market his home for sale and the price he wants me to market it at, directly affects my business and my business decisions as well. It is not an easy task for me to come to you and tell you that your home is worth less than it was 2 or 3 years ago, but if we are going to give you factual information and in order to do my job correctly, it is necessary that you hear and see the facts. Don't just take my word for it - LOOK at and REVIEW the information I provide you, ask me questions, pick my brain. This is what I do for a living. I put myself out there and am spending money and time on your home when I decide to market your home. My costs for marketing your home are paid up front by me before your home is even sold. I have already ...
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