
Allyn, WA Real Estate News

By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
2008 Activity Recap Fire District #5 in Mason county is asking for a Renewal on their EMS Levy. I personally support their need and will be voting YES. The Levy is collected at 25 cents per thousand of house hold assessed value. It is remaining the same as it has been many years. It is true that at this time the District could use additional funds, but in light of our current economy is only asking for what it absolutely needed. Fire District 5 has been around for over 50 years. In that time it has seen a lot of growth and many changes. One thing that does not change however is the need to have medical and fire response. If anything we need them now more than ever before. Mason County is mostly rural and Fire District 5 has over 11 stations spread out to assist their citizens. They are ...
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By Richard R. Bell, Broker-Manager, Allyn - Belfair Washington State Realtor
(Richard Bell - Windermere Peninsula Properties)
The "Real State of Real Estate" Community Workshop was a great success this past Thursday Evening April 23 at the LakeLand Village Club House in Allyn, Washington, where it was well attended by Realtors, homeowners and individuals interested in Short Sales, Tax issues and Loan Modification.   It was an exceptional educational event.   The event was hosted by the Agents and Staff of Windermere Peninsula Properties, Allyn and Belfair offices and I had the privilege of Moderator.   The three panelists included: Mike Spence, Real Estate Attorney with Harrison Benis & Spence, LLP of Seattle, Washington, Catherine Ann Wolf CPA Belfair, Washington and Vickie Nunez with Wells Fargo Mortgage Shelton, Washington.   Workshop participants were provided with informative handouts, for example: A Char...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Last night my husband I headed a couple of blocks up our street past the golf course to have a simple dinner for two at the Lakeside Bistro in LakeLand Village. Our time together is special and we filled the evening with quiet conversation as the huge trout jumped in the waters next to us leaving intersecting rings. As the sun began to set we went for a walk around the neighborhood. The kids were still out playing ball, couples were walking their dogs and some were sitting around fire-pits chatting in the flickering light. This morning I saw a huge Eagle spying from a over sized evergreen. The sun is out and I am on my way with my girls to have a picnic on the Allyn Pier. It is so relaxing to sit together and catch up on the week as the waves rock you and the scent of the fresh cut gras...
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By Kristian Schonberg
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
   Yesterday afternoon, after registering online, I attended my first Tea Party.  This one was held in Port Orchard at the intersection of Bethel and Lund.  The Kitsap Sun reported that we had about 150 citizens participate in waving flags and signs in patriotic protest over the huge federal deficit and big government polices being implemented.  Almost every driver that passed us indicated support for our efforts.  I heard from a friend  that there were over 6,000 people on the capital steps and grounds supporting the rally in Olympia.  I took a few pictures to show everyone what they missed.  It was great to see other residents of LakeLand Village on my corner and a great chance to visit and express concerns.         Yesterday I participated in my first Tea Party (taxed enough already).
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
The Storm is passing. Black and Grey have been overpowered by the clear blue that has decided to take up residence. Winters rage is being subdued by the mellow moments of spring. The wind blows all directions, and today it is blowing in mine. I am ready so... Bring on the Sunshine!
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
On Thursday April 23rd,2009 from 6-8 pm the Windermere Peninsula Properties office will be teaming up with Lender Vickie Nunez from Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Real Estate Attorney Mike Spence, Tax Accountant Catherine Wolf & Real estate manager and Broker Richard Bell of Windermere Peninsula Properties to get the latest information on the current housing market. There will be Straight Answers for Home Owners and Buyers given by experts in the field. The focus will be on short sales, foreclosures, & loan modifications. Know who to ask and what to ask from those who work with these issues everyday. We expect a great attendance and RSVP is recommended. You can reach the Windermere Peninsula Properties office at 360-275-5002. Or e-mail The workshop is free, and in the e...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
There he was alone in the world and thinking of me. Bruised, beaten and human, and his thoughts turned to... me. Alone and less than helpless he continue... for me. A day like no other. A time unlike anywhere else. He stayed for me. He never had to. It was a choice. He only had to ... Because he wouldn't let himself do anything else. And on the third day...He remembered me.
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
I thought that when my girls said..."lets dye eggs tonight!" that it would be fun for the whole family. It was fun for most of us. It started out with a little drop of dye landing on my arm. I was not about to let that go unnoticed. So I got Megan good on the face with purple. After all it is her favorite color. Then it was Sarah too my defense. She had green, and I was holding Megan back with all I had. While Alyssa laughed so hard no noise would come out. After a few moments we did not know who was getting even with who. It was a mess.A bright colorful mess. Actually it still is. How do you explain to your clients that the reason you are a "walking rainbow" was that your family decided to dye Easter Eggs last night? I can not find words to describe the puzzled look on my husbands face...
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By Josh Murphy, Belfair WA Real Estate, 360-710-3972
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Let Walk Score help you decide. Here's how it works "Walk Score helps people find walkable places to live. Walk Score calculates the walkability of an address by locating nearby stores, restaurants, schools, parks, etc. Walk Score measures how easy it is to live a car-lite lifestyle-not how pretty the area is for walking."    Neighborhoods are scored by their walkability. I first heard about this site at Seattles REbar camp, and decided to look into it. Consumers use this site to as a means to determine how safe a neighborhood is. How well known is this site? I am not sure, but hey it is another tool to use. I think its very neat.     Lakeland Village, my neighborhood, recieved a 54/100. Not bad, we are fairly rural so i understand that. Have a great "Good Friday!"   Josh Murphy Winderm...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
A Simple sun draped chair quietly stands by waiting for the Family to come home. It is just as it was this morning after the front door shut. Knowing that the moment would arrive when once again the walls would hear their familiar voices. The stove clicks alive to prepare dinner, and a comforting scent fills the rooms directing all to the kitchen.  This is the place to share your dreams and cry your tears. When you are here every thing is safe and everyone is welcomed. Home is where you know you are where you belong.
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By Josh Murphy, Belfair WA Real Estate, 360-710-3972
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Helps keep the stress away. Ive found this to be true. I significantly notice that things tend to go a lot smoother if I take just a few minutes in the morning of being active on the web makes me feel a lot better. I take a few minutes to read some posts, and I generally carry that knowledge throughout the day, discussing topics that have appeared on here in the office. Activerain has turned into such a pleasure, as a resource, and as a networking tool.   Enjoy your wordless Wednesday! A picture I took of our monumental barn here in Lakeland Village Have a great wednesday and enjoy the sunshine! Josh Murphy Windermere Peninsula properties  
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
She may look innocent to you but She isn't.  Last week I bought a puzzle for the family.It was a great way to get together and laugh and talk. Life seems so crazy now ,that it was wonderful to have a reason to gather around and share with eachother. Apparently we left someone out. Esme. Esme is our new kitten she is about 9 months old, and she is everyones favorite. All seemed good until we noted that every night when we went to bed the puzzle would be pushed off of the counter and smashed on the floor. Esme looked as innocent as could be. Then came the day we caught her sneaking pieces off and hiding them in the pantry. The puzzle is now nearly complete with just one piece missing, and Esme isn't saying a word.
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Sometimes we are faced with decisions, and we are not sure how to proceed. We come to a fork in the road or a bridge to cross and we freeze in our tracks. What is wrong with crossing to the other side to just see what is over there? If you never travel forward how do you expect to get anywhere? Take the road less traveled, move forward, start on a new path, finish what you began. This is what makes the difference between regret and opportunity. You will never see what is awaiting you on the other side if you stay right where you are.Who knows what may be just around the corner?
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By Dick Potter
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
I've recently come across two web sites that are helpful for folks that have just relocated.  They are, which reviews local restaurants, spas, doctors, etc.  Second is an alternative to googleearth,  Gives three dimensional images of streets and cities at eye level.  Enjoy
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Nothing says spring is here like tulips bursting out of the ground to announce it. Their bright colors enough to disguise even the most artistically designed Easter Egg. When the rains visit, the tiny drops sit upon the petals as if to illuminate them with a crystal encrusted kiss from the sun. What a beautiful sight. The sun, the rain, and the earth, bringing all of their talent together to shine for the season.Silent thought they may be...They certainly say a lot.
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
So what do you think the most important photo of a home fresh on the market is? Some would say the view ,others the front of the home. I guess it may be what ever the buyer considers the most important detail. I happen to consider it the front walk up to the front door. Once inside I have to see the kitchen. I've heard it said most women look there first.The more pictures of it the better. i just want to see it all. What is your favorite first photo?
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
I know it sounds like the newest,latest & greatest web 2.0 site-It Isn't A schnoodle is a new type of dog. It is part Schnauzer and part poodle and all adorable! To find out if your dog made the top 10 dogs in the U.S. list- simple scroll down. You never know what you will find. Maybe there is a Schnoodle in your future! 1. Labrador Retrievers Easily the most popular dog breed of them all, Labrador Retrievers are friendly, lovable, smart and great with kids. They have continually been labelled as the most popular family dog according to breeder surveys. 2. Golden Retrievers Right next to the Labrador Retrievers you'll find the Golden Retrievers which are also true American family dogs. These large dogs are extremely kind and gentle by nature and love playing with people and their toys. ...
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
I am thrilled to be here at the office on floor. I am scheduled until 5:00 and it is still light out! This means when I get home there will be time to put dinner on and run outside to plant a few flowers. Enjoy my kids tumbling around in the yard or go for an evening stroll. After the snow on April 1st...which I truely thought was a joke. ( and not very funny I might add)I am glad to see that summer is really on the way. What are your plans now that the days are stretching further?
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By Dinah Lee Griffey, Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties
(Windermere Peninsula Properties)
Wednesday was a hard day. My husband got the dreaded call that his father just failed his stress test and was now in the hospital undergoing angioplasty. If that were not bad enough the next call was that the results were going to require open heart surgery. We were shocked. Del seemed so active and healthy. Are these results real? They were. When he came out of surgery yesterday we were told that it was a 6 way bypass and that the arteries were closed down smaller than a millimeter. Shock, then smiles. He made it. So many times these situations turn into a sudden unexpected tragedy with out a happy ending. This time we got time. We have time to enjoy him for many more years to come. It was also a good reminder for all of us to go get a check up, and watch our health a little closer. Ju...
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By Valerie Spaulding, Allyn-Belfair-Hood Canal-Local Expertise!
(Windermere Peninsula Properties~Allyn~Belfair~WA)
What has been going on in March 2009 in the LakeLand Village Real Estate Market? For those of you who do not know about LakeLand Village, check this LakeLand Link out - there are some great opportunities for home ownership and it is a community that offers many amenities within itself as does the surrounding area of Southern Puget Sound and Hood Canal. There are currently 29 homes for sale in LakeLand Village. (This is a much better picutre than what last year painted for us). This is a "positive" movement for sellers and buyers beware, as this could be a turning point as far as prices go in LakeLand Village and LakeLand's homes for sale inventory!  Looking at the pending sales, we are finally seeing some movement as the buyers realize this market is a GREAT time to take the plunge int...
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