Garden Creating Program in Hartland in Windsor County Vermont
By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Garden Creating Program in Hartland in Windsor County Vermont,folks on Wednesday the Ninth day of April 2014 you can attend what sure should be a mighty fine learning program for folks. The title of this program is Creating Natural Balance in Our Neighborhood. This will be a presentation and discussion of Invasive Plants and Insects. The program will be taking place at the Hartland Public Library which is located on Route 153 in the Town of Hartland, Vermont. Folks the program has been scheduled to be held between the hours of 6:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M. to be attended. The scheduled program speaker is UVM Extension Master Gardener Xaxakwetet Little Tree. Folks from all around the area sure are mighty welcome to come attend this Free program. Baker Residential and Commercial Properties In...