
Bennington, VT Real Estate News

By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
The Molly Stark Trall Route 9 in Southern Vermont, heres a interesting peace of Vermont History, Route 9 which is the only year-round route across the Southern part of the State of Vermont, should have been named after a New Hampshire woman. Reckon its actually even more ironic that it did not get its name from the Heroic Leader of the Battle of Bennington, but instead for the wife he rode home to after the battle. On the face of a simple stone in the cemetery behind the white church in West Bennington, you can find a carved inscription of General Stark's famous words, which he said just before the decisive battle. The Molly Stark Trall Route 9 in Southern Vermont, Boys, yonder are the redcoats, and they are ours, or this night Molly Stark sleeps a widow. Have a good one Dale in Vermont...
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