This morning before preschool, my son came running in the house, "Mommy! There's a strawberry on the strawberry plant! Can I eat it - PLEASE??????" Sure enough - out first fruit of the season was ready for harvest. Looks like it's strawberry season and well, those of us in Hampton Roads know what that means! 25TH ANNUAL PUNGO STRAWBERRY FESTIVALMay 24th and 25th, 2008 Along with beautiful beaches, Virginia Beach has miles and miles of beautiful farmland. We call this area Pungo and every year the Pungo Strawberry Festival is held on Memorial Day weekend. This year we are estimating attendance of 120,000 over the two day event. Not only does the Festival have all the strawberries you can eat offered in over 50 different ways, activities include a pie eating contest, strawberry ba...