
Fort Eustis, VA Real Estate News

By Frank McLawhorn, Bringing Families Home
(Frank Mclawhorn Realty .com)
new homes demolished b/c they wouldn't sell:
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By Bethany Phillips, MBA
I had two presents this week. First was meeting a new client who is looking for her first home in Newport News. We looked at a number of townhouses near Fort Eustis and saw some real winners. There are a couple that will suite her needs very well. She would prefer a single family home.  Unfortunately the choices are more limited in her price range. We are working towards an offer on a foreclosure... wish us luck. The other present was a stray beagle that ended up on my doorstep yesterday! She is a beautiful beagle girl. No information on her family. No lost beagles listed at the shelters. The microchip trail ends 2 years ago when she was sold by a breeder in Wisconsin to a pet store!  Egads!  Unfortunately her family didn't update her contact information so the trail goes cold. We think...
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By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
  ARMY COMMUNITY SERVICE (ACS) Financial Readiness Classes With our nation's uncertain economic state, we can all benefit from knowing how to best manage finances.  That is why Army Community Service offers FREE financial readiness classes each quarter on FORT EUSTIS.   Scheduled classes in October are:     Financial Budgeting, 8:30 a.m. on October 8th Checkbook Management, 2:30 p.m. on October 30th Understanding Credit Reporting, 5:15 - 6:45 p.m. on October 29th Planning Financially for the Holidays (brown bag lunch) Retirement Planning on October 28th Get financially ready today for your future tomorrow!  Registration and class location are available by calling 878-3638, exts. 234/237/239 Courtesy of Yvette Smith, SRES® REALTOR®WILLIAMSBURG REAL ESTATE757-753-74725350 Discovery Park B...
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By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
  GOOD WILL HUNTING at FORT EUSTIS The 2008-2009 hunting season is here!  Here's a guide to hunting at Fort Eustis: All Active Duty Military and Family Member, regardless of assignment, DOD (Department of Defense) civilians assigned to Fort Eustis are eligible to hunt at Fort Eustis. All personnel desiring to hunt at Fort Eustis must have completed a hunter education course from any state prior to obtaining a Fort Eustis hunting permit.  You can check the schedules at for a class in Virginia.  Fort Eustis will host a class November 9th from 7a.m. to 6p.m. at the Jacobs Theater.  To register, call 878-2610 Archery Season is now through November 14th Muzzleloader season is November 1st through 14th General Firearms season is November 15ht through January 3rd Courtesy ...
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By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
  The Spouses to Teachers program no longer exists, and there's a new initiative being advertised by the Dept of Defense that is NOT under our purview. It is called the Military Spouses Career Advancement Account. It is being run by The Troops to Teachers program info may be still be obtained at NEED A CAREER CHANGE?You may just find it with... TROOPS and SPOUSES TO TEACHERS Are you a Soldier or military spouse interested in becoming a teacher in VIRGINIA?  Troops to Teachers provides a $5,000 stipend to pay for any approved teacher licensure program, in any state, at any accredited college, to military personnel with bachelor's degree. The Spouses to Teachers program offers up to $600 to reimburse participants for the required te...
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By Yvette Smith, Realtor In Williamsburg VA, Homes for Sale
                                                   The ARMY and AIR FORCE EXCHANGE SERVICE (AAFES) is Sponsoring a BACK TO SCHOOL ESSAY CONTEST                                               Students in grades 1 through 12 can submit an essay of 200 words or less on "What AAFES Means to Me and My Family."  The contest is ongoing through August 31 and consist of four categories:  grades 1 to 2; 4 to 6; 7 to 9; and 10 to 12.  Three winners will be chosen from each category.   The first place winner in each category will receive a COMPUTER; second place winners will be awarded $500 SAVINGS BONDS; and third place winners will be awarded $200 SAVINGS BONDS.                                                              Visit and click on the Patriot Family Connection link for more...
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