
Farmville, VA Real Estate News

By Larry Atkins, Veteran Owned & Operated
(State Wide Realty Co.)
First Fridays of Farmville  Free Entertainment for All Ages First Fridays of Farmville VA, presented by Farmville Jaycees is held the first friday of each month between May and September at Riverside Park.Great Bands ~ Good Food& Drinks This event is great for the whole family, but please no pets. Bring your folding chairs or wander around and visit with friends & family. First Fridays has become a tradition in the charming town of Farmville. It's just like homecoming every month, so stop by and join the family.   Photo is from the Town of Farmville website, please visit for more details on First Fridays and other events around our town.    
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By Larry Atkins, Veteran Owned & Operated
(State Wide Realty Co.)
Heart of Virginia Festival As I drove down Main Street this morning, I watched as a few cars passed by and a couple walked their dog. As I enjoyed this snapshot of small town life, I chuckled to myself that next Saturday this same street would be anything but quiet and serene.  The streets will fill with vendors and events as the town turns out for the Heart of Virginia Festival.   This years festival is scheduled to be an awesome "celebration of arts, crafts, culture and music. These events include: Outdoor Art Show As the mainstay of the festival, the art show is held on the front lawn of Longwood University's rotunda from 9 am to 3:30 pm. Many of these artists will be professionally judged at the end of the day for prizes. Craft Show Main Street and High Street will be filled with lo...
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By Larry Atkins, Veteran Owned & Operated
(State Wide Realty Co.)
This One's for the Drama Queens!...Auditions Set for The NerdThe Waterworks Players' next production will be The Nerd by Larry Shue. Auditions will be held at the Waterworks Theater  at 7:30 pm on Sunday and Monday, May 1st and 2nd. Acting spots are open for two males and two females between the ages of 25 to 45. So if you're interested in putting your acting skills to the test....head out and audition this weekend. The Nerd will be preformed by The Waterworks Players June 10,11,17,and 18 at 8pm. This is a two acted comedy based in the late 1970's. A Vietnam vet had often told his friends the story how another veteran, whom he had never met, had saved his life during the war. So he was delighted when this veteran unexpectedly shows during his birthday party. However, his excitement does...
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
Downtown Farmville is proud to present the second Buffalo Creek Guitar Open Mic Night. This free event will take place on Wednesday, May 4 from 6:30-9 p.m. on the Crute Stage located at the corner of Main and Fourth Streets in Farmville. Sponsors for the event are Buffalo Creek Guitar Company and Real Living Cornerstone. Buffalo Creek Open Mic was established in 2006 when Buffalo Creek Guitar Company first opened. Over the years, all types of music have been presented on our stage, from singer/songwriters, small electric groups, jazz, bluegrass, old time, reggae, and Celtic bands, to name a few. Previously, the event has taken place in the Buffalo Creek store, but now Downtown Farmville is bringing it to the Crute Stage so that a larger audience may enjoy the talents of our community m...
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
Open House Saturday, April 23rd 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm These fantastic listings are no longer listed by Real Living Cornerstone and Navona Hart.  However, I would appreciate the opportunity to work with you as your buyer’s agent to purchase a property that meets your exact needs.  You may use the link below to search listings for sale and communicate with me on your specific needs and concerns.  If you do not see the property for you, please let me know and I can be on the look-out for the perfect property for you! Farmville Homes for Sale
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
Preventing Water Intrusion-Home Owner Tips for Homes in Farmville Virginia-23901 & Surrounding Counties When the spring rains come in it is time to look at projects around the house.  Keeping water away from a foundation and out of crawl spaces and basements is essential to a long and happy life of a home. Windows, skylights, roofs are other areas that are important to keep from leaking.  When it rains in Farmville, Virginia we often get heavy downpours with a lot of rain at one time.  Keeping your Farmville home water proof is very important and water instrusion happens due to normal wear and tear on components of a home. It is a good idea to check for possible water intrusions spots prior to a rain.  If you wait until the rain starts and the water comes in it is often too late.  Here ...
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By Larry Atkins, Veteran Owned & Operated
(State Wide Realty Co.)
Farmville Virginia Wine Festival A Benefit for Meals on Wheels   Saturday, April 16th  11 AM to 5 PM                            at the Farmers Market Warehouse on North St. (This is the new location, which is covered due to rain in the forecast.) Events Include: Wine Tasting...check out the list of wineries Music By Tray Eppes Activities for Kids Food & Craft Vendors Door Prizes Ticket Prices: 21 and older $15, Under 21 Free This is sure to be a fun packed event, so I hope to see lots of you there. If you need more information be sure to check out the festival's website. While you're in town for the festival, you might just find Farmville too charming to leave, if so stop by our office....we'll help you find the perfect place to call home.   Photo Attribution: David Wilibanks UPDATE: Al...
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
An overview of things to do in Farmville, VA the weekend of April 15th thru 17th. Living in a small town provides ample opportunity to stay busy and participate in tons of activities.  This weekend in Farmville there are so many things to do, that you will have to prioritize the list of what you can fit in. You can start the weekend by participating in the Longwood University's Relay for Life event.  This signature American Cancer Society event promises to be a well coordinated and orchestrated event.  The evening starts at 7 pm, on April 15th with the survivors lap and continues thru-out the night and will end at 7 am to demonstrate that cancer stays with the victim, they live with it all the time.  Come walk a lap or two and make a donation to support this vibrant team of students and...
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
One of the great things about living in a college town is all of the amazing events that are available to do.  Hampden-Sydney College is hosting a free event on April 14, 2011 that is sponsored by the Wilson Center for Leadership.  The Geneva Conventions and Asymmetric Warfare is the topic of discussions and with the guest speaker line-up I am sure it will keep you on the edge of your chair.  This event is great for all who are interested in learning more about the military.  The line of up speakers is strong and will be interesting from the beginning to the end. The event starts at 4 PM with the keynote address being given by BG Patrick Finnegan, USA, Retired who is the current President of Longwood University. "Torture, the Rule of Law And the US Military" is the title and subject of ...
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
You have an accepted contract on your home!  You breathe a huge sigh of relief and start packing boxes, and prepare to move.  My advice to you would be not so quick!  I think one of the most important steps is for you to understand the timeline and work in the timeline to get out of the home that you have sold to the buyer. When you accepted a contract it is most likely that you agreed to a settlement date and on that date you need to be out of the home.  With the contract used in Central Virginia and Farmville, VA that means completely out and the home in broom clean condition on the agreed upon date. But let's back up a little. Again with the contract that I use and understand, there are a few places in the contract where the buyer still has some control.  As the seller you will proba...
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
Yesterday I attended a college open house at Hampden-Sydney College located in Farmville, VA.  Hampden-Sydney is a private, all-male college that is tucked on over 1000 acres within minutes of my home.  The campus is beautiful with huge old trees and beautiful brick buildings.  It is steeped in history, and on the tour we learned that they have an acre of land for every student! Farmville is fortunate to have a public university Longwood University and the private, all male Hampden-Sydney College. I have a 17 year old junior, that is stretching out and trying to figure out where he would like to call home after high school graduation.  Yesterday we both attended the open house.  The morning started with a welcome reception that had a full spread of muffins, danish and bagels, & hot coff...
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
Baseball anyone?  Softball? It is the season! And Prince Edward Farmville Youth League is alive and well. April 1, 2011 started the season for spring baseball and softball for the Prince Edward Youth League. It is the season of nights and nights of practice and games. I have spent so many hours at the fields I should have a seat named after me! The PEFYA youth league has been bringing family fun and good baseball, softball, basketball and soccer to the area's youth for 30+ years. Hundreds and hundreds of youth benefit from this association year after year. The association receives donations from local businesses to sponsor the shirts and hats.  This year there will be a Real Living Cornerstone softball team! The team I choose to sponsor has my Matthew's girlfriend playing.  This year my...
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
Downtown Farmville is proud to present the first Buffalo Creek Guitar Open Mic Night. This free event will take place on Wednesday, April 6 from 7-9 p.m. on the Crute Stage located at the corner of Main and Fourth Streets in Farmville. Sponsors for the event are Buffalo Creek Guitar Company and Real Living Cornerstone. Buffalo Creek Open Mic was established in 2006 when Buffalo Creek Guitar Company first opened. Over the years, all types of music have been presented on our stage, from singer/songwriters, small electric groups, jazz, bluegrass, old time, reggae, and Celtic bands, to name a few. Previously, the event has taken place in the Buffalo Creek store, but now Downtown Farmville is bringing it to the Crute Stage so that a larger audience may enjoy the talents of our community memb...
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
The chatter is flying around Farmville, VA.  There is a new place to gather, eat, drink and listen to music. Yes, Farmville, VA has a new bar and grill in town~~202 Bar & Grill.  Located in the location below the Weyanoke Hotel, owners Dave & Katie Carmichael, Nash Osborn, and Scotty & Heather Keeton have remodeled and opened a new and great gathering place for friends.  The bar has a wide assortment of food on the menu. All made with fresh ingrediants.  I have tried and loved the Tuna Bites served with wasabi mayonnaise, the kettle chips, the chicken cheese steak and the panini portabella.  Yes, I love to eat and the food has been fresh, hot and tasty. Several friends have taken on the challenge of the Big Oh! Donut Burger.  The description for the burger on the menu reads~~"We bring i...
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
RENT, April 2010 Several times a year, I have the privilege of attending a show performed by our local community theatre.  I usually gather friends and we head out for an evening of fun and friendship. The Waterworks Players Theatre, is the location where our community builds a group theatre experience.  Many communities have theatre, usually much larger communities.  Prince Edward County is a community of about 20,000 and we have a theatre! It is a great resource to have a live art presence in our community. The theatre is made available to us by volunteers.  The performers are volunteers, the director is volunteer, the lights are volunteer, the sound is volunteer.  The entire crew is made up of people dedicated to providing a live theatre opportunity to the community in which they li...
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
Buyers, buying a home can be a great experience.  As we look at homes we will pay careful attention to the home that you will be making an offer on.  As a team we will look at cosmetic issues, we will look for things that might be wrong with the house and we will get a basic overall good feel as to whether this house that you are considering makes good financial sense. But no matter how thorough we are in our inspection I will always recommend a home inspection.  A home inspection is conducted by a third party.  I recommend a licensed and insured home inspector.  I think their experience should be considered, along with their background when choosing your home inspector. I believe a good home inspector will provide a written report with a guidebook of some sort for the purchaser to revi...
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
Main Street, Downtown Historic Farmville Come on over, let's go for a ride.  Let me give you a tour of my town. No, I do not charge a fee for this tour.  I do it because I love living here.  No, there is no commitment to buy a home, I think if you love living here too you will stay and become a viable member of this community that I love. I would love an hour of your time to give you a tour of my town.  Famville, VA has become a great place to live and work for me, I think it will be the same for you. What will we do on this tour, you say?  Well let me tell you!  I will show you some great neighborhoods to live in!  I love showing the homes that are available to you.  We have homes in all price ranges and all different styles.  I can find a home for every style and price range for ever...
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
J Fergeson's Gallery is one of those businesses that I love to support.  J Fergeson Gallery is a commercial art gallery located on Main Street in Farmville, VA.  They are located near the High Bridge State Park and Walker's Diner. It is truly a great place to visit and shop.  The gallery provides great events to attend thru-out the year. They offer monthly rotating exhibits of regional and national artists which is truly a great thing to do in Farmville, VA. They offer all types of art from large wall pieces, small wall pieces, pottery, jewelry, note-cards and so much more.  Their offerings are of many different price points.  I bought most of my Christmas presents at his gallery.  It is a great place to go to purchase an unique present that the receiver is sure to love. In addition to ...
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
I as the owner of Real Living Cornerstone, have made a commitment to the community that supports me.  I promise as part of my business plan to give back to the community.  Every year, I have made a commitment to the Longwood Relay for Life event.  Sponsoring this event, gets my logo on the back of the t-shirts of all participants/walkers.  I love seeing my logo run thru town on these well worn shirts! But my support isn't just for the gratification of sponsorship. Choosing the American Cancer Society to support is a very easy decision for me.  My father in law died from pancreatic cancer.  At that time I learned about all of the amazing support services that they provide not only to the victim of cancer, but to the family. I have since had an agent who has been diagnosed with cancer and...
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By Larry Atkins, Veteran Owned & Operated
(State Wide Realty Co.)
Farmville Chapter of Ducks Unlimited             Banquet & Auction Held on Friday, March 11.2011    Fuqua Lower School Doors Open at 6 pm Tickets are $50 per person / $600 corporate Tickets available at the door or at State Wide Realty Co. For those unfamiliar with Ducks Unlimited, this organization is the "world leader in wetland and waterfowl conservation". Their conservation projects are "designed to maximize the amount and quality of migration and wintering waterfowl habitat as well as improve conditions for waterfowl production". Feel free to visit their website and learn more about this great organization!   State Wide Realty Co. is proud to support this organization by sponsoring this event. We enjoy this event every year and hope you will come out and join us in supporting this ...
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