
Farmville, VA Real Estate News

By Larry Atkins, Veteran Owned & Operated
(State Wide Realty Co.)
Auditions will be held at the Waterworks Theater  at 7:30 pm on Sunday and Monday, October 28th & 29th. 15 spots are open for both male and female who are 18 years and older.  So if you're interested in putting your acting skills to the test....head out and audition this weekend.Rumpelstiltskin will be preformed by The Waterworks Players December 7th,8th,and 9th. This is a British pantomime to celebrate the holiday season. Beloved by children and adults alike, pantomimes are as much a part of Christmas throughout the British Isles as singing carols, trimming the tree, and exchanging presents. As a popular form of theater, British pantomime combines song, dance, and slapstick comedy that are loosely based on traditional children's stories. So, are you interested in being part of the cast...
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By Larry Atkins, Veteran Owned & Operated
(State Wide Realty Co.)
Farmville VA: Community Event S.T.E.P.S. Winefest 2012 Where: 100 Industrial Park Rd. Farmville VA, Date: June 23, 2012 Time: 11:00AM - 6:00PM Cost: Advance: $20 per person (wine tasting) $10 per person (without tasting) Visit their site to purchase in advance or $25 at the gate. The second annual STEPS Winefest is scheduled for this weekend. It will beneft STEPS Inc., a local non-profit organization that trains and employs persons with diverse abilities.  The Winefest will feature wine tasting of the top Virginia Wineries, a marketplace of top artisans, great food and live music.  This is sure to be a great event for an even greater stop by this weekend.
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By Larry Atkins, Veteran Owned & Operated
(State Wide Realty Co.)
Open House: Hearthside Homes, LLC Saturday, May 19th 10 a.m. - 3p.m. Hearthside Homes' new two story home will be open, along with their other models for you to see.  Stop by for refreshments, prizes and fun. Go enjoy their beautiful homes and learn why building with Hearthside Homes is the best choice for your family! When you know how their homes are built, you will build with Hearthside! Hearthside Homes, LLC1101 East Third St., Farmville, Virginia (across from Taylor-Forbes Equipment) 434-315-5678 ** Disclaimer: Although I have written this blog from the viewpoint of State Wide Realty's broker, it should be noted that I am partial owner in Hearthside Homes as well.
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
A kick off event was held on January 23rd 2012 at the j fergeson gallery to celebrate Farmville’s designation as an official Virginia Main Street. At the event the Virginia Main Street program staff presented the town with road signs and discussed the ongoing revitalization efforts for Farmville. As a part of the Virginia Main Street program, the Downtown Farmville group will have access to training and consulting from a team of experts with a proven track record in helping downtowns find success. There are 24 other designated Virginia communities each with wonderful stories of what has been achieved through the assistance provided in the program. I've been an active part of the PR Committe for the Downtown Farmville Revitalization effort for over a year now and I'm excited about what ...
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By Larry Atkins, Veteran Owned & Operated
(State Wide Realty Co.)
Farmville Chapter of Ducks Unlimited             Banquet & Auction Held on Friday, March 9, 2012    Fuqua Lower School Doors Open at 6 pm Tickets are $50 per person / $600 corporate Tickets available at the door or at State Wide Realty Co. For those unfamiliar with Ducks Unlimited, this organization is the "world leader in wetland and waterfowl conservation". Their conservation projects are "designed to maximize the amount and quality of migration and wintering waterfowl habitat as well as improve conditions for waterfowl production". Feel free to visit their website and learn more about this great organization!   State Wide Realty Co. is proud to support this organization by sponsoring this event. We enjoy this event every year and hope you will come out and join us in supporting this ...
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By Larry Atkins, Veteran Owned & Operated
(State Wide Realty Co.)
Shop Local: Farmville Christmas Show This year many people are trying to shop local and support the local economy. I read somewhere that for every dollar spent locally, sixty cents stays within the community.  So with that in mind, stop by this year's 32nd Annual Farmville Christmas Show. There will be over 50 local vendors there with homemade crafts, books and retail items. When I attended last year, they had fun activities for kids and food as well. This is the perfect spot to pick up unique gifts for your family and friends. Plus the best part it is a fundraiser to help STEPS Centre, the community with job training and employment.  Where: STEPS Centre, 100 Industrial Park Rd. Farmville, VA When: December 3, 2011 Time: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Admission:  $3.00  
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
A Weekend of Arts & Music in Farmville Virginia - Central Virginia Weekend Events November 4th-November 6th Local Farmville Events In Farmville, Virginia there is always something to do.  The variety and abundance of great events is pleasing.  Newcomers to Farmville are always pleased with the variety of events that Farmville offers and are always surprised by how much happens here.  Music, theatre and arts are present and alive in this small town.  Longwood University and Hampden-Syndey College provide the theatre and music for this weekend. Enjoy!   Friday, November 4th  Henry V 8 PM Johns Auditorium Hampden-Sydney College The play centers on the young king and his war against the French, the stakes of which are none other than the crown of France itself. This is a play with a message...
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By Larry Atkins, Veteran Owned & Operated
(State Wide Realty Co.)
Farmville Area's Best:  Burgers Lectric Dog and BBQ Update: Out of Business Whenever we have a client come in from out of town to look at a property, one of the questions that we are always asked is "Where is a good place to go for_____". As Realtors we travel quite a bit throughout our area, we are blessed to get to know many of the people and businesses that may go unnoticed by locals or the weekend visitor alike. So with that in mind, our office has come with the "Best of Series" where we will display our humble opinions on the Best of Everything our local area has to offer. This week we explore the BEST BURGER. While we recognize that there are many good burgers to be found all over the area, we feel one place has raised the bar a little higher and deserves our BEST BURGER AWARD.......
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
Auctions In Farmville Virginia - Things to Do in Central Virginia Every weekend in the fall and thru-out winter you can find an auction in Central Virginia.  When I moved to Farmville these were a new idea to me.  A girlfriend snagged me one Saturday and said, "let's go to an auction."  I didn't know what to expect and went along willingly.  After only one day I was hooked.  Upon arrival to the auction you use your driver's license to obtain a number for bidding.  And then you follow the auctioner around as they lift up item after item for the crowd of people to begin bidding on.  Sometimes the auctions are full of antiques, sometimes boxes of knick-knacks, farm equipment, cars, bikes and more have been auctioned.  The lazy-boy sofa that is no longer used, the kitchen table and yes even...
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
Halloween Activities in Farmville Virginia - Main Street Parade for Children Farmville Virginia offers many great activities for young and old alike.  Halloween is no exception.  Every year, there is a Main Street parade.  Children and their parents flock to Downtown Main Street dressed in their best Halloween costume.  The sidewalks are filled with downtown merchants, churches, Longwood University and community organizers who give out candy to the passer byers.  It is a grand time for all.
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
Photo Blog - Food Day Celebration in Farmville Food Day was celebrated across the USA on October 24, 2011. Farmville held a celebration a day earlier at the local Farmer's Market on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. There were lots of opportunities to find out about good nutrition and the benefits of locally grown produce. You can find out more about Food Day at
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By Larry Atkins, Veteran Owned & Operated
(State Wide Realty Co.)
2011 Fuqua Homecoming Parade My weekend started out with a bang on Friday, Oct. 21st.  I had the pleasure of driving Ms. Lindsey Davis, Junior Princess 2011 in the Fuqua Homecoming Parade. The whole school turns out for this fun filled event. Since, Fuqua School is such a big part of what makes Farmville unique, it should be no surprise that many of our State Wide family took part in parade including two of our agents' sons and my beautiful granddaughter. Joyce Eggleston, both a friend and client, ended the parade in her golf cart. Of course this was only the beginning of the Fuqua Homecoming events for the evening. This was followed up by a delicious dinner at the annual Ruritan Stew.  Then the homecoming game, where I never fail to see more than a few familiar faces.  Fun was had by a...
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By Larry Atkins, Veteran Owned & Operated
(State Wide Realty Co.)
Farmville, VA Event: Comedy & Desserts Come out to Comedy & Desserts for a night of laughter and great desserts while being part of this local event to help the Pregnancy Support Center of Southside Virgina. This year you will enjoy a brand new show with Paul Aldrich while being treated to the delicious desserts provided by Charley's Waterfront Cafe.  When: Saturday, October 15 Time:  Door Open at 6:30, show starts at 7 Tickets: $12.50 in advance or $15.00 at the door Tickets are available online or contact their sponser Clayton Homes of Farmville.
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
Spend the Day in Lynchburg just under 50 miles West of Farmville While Farmville has so much to offer itself it is also ideally located to take advantage of the offerings of three great Virginia cities. I've already written blog posts about Charlottesville to the North and Carytown in Richmond to the East. This time we're going to head West to Lynchburg. Downtown Lynchburg has undergone a revitalization in the past few years and has many wonderful offerings from a tremendous selection of restaurants to an eclectic mix of shops to suit all tastes. Great pains have been taken to maintain the historic feel of the area but take a wander around downtown and you will discover those historic buildings filled with a treasure trove of different businesses.   For a truly unique dining experience ...
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
Wine and Dine Night The Bakery in Farmville Virginia - Downtown Farmville A Main Street Community Farmville is a growing town.  Many businesses in town are embracing the growth and are offering events and services for the town that are exciting and different for Farmville. On Friday night The Bakery offered a Wine and Dine event.  For this event we paid a fee and enjoyed an evening of wine tasting and a platter of cheeses, breads, olives and pickles that paired well with the wines.   Friends and neighbors gathered and huddled together to enjoy great wines, friendship and conversation.  At some points during the evening it was standing room only.  Friends shared chairs and window sills to accommodate the growing crowd.  Guilleramo Gray, a friend and a wine aficionado was the wine host of...
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
Farmville Virginia's Waterworks is Hosting Auditions for the Musical Chicago A community theatre is an resource that Farmville Virginia is fortunate to have.  Waterworks entertains us at a reasonable cost and always a good show.  They couldn't do it without the volunteers who act and run the show.  If you live in Central Virginia and have always dreamed of the big stage your time has come.  This weekend Waterworks will be holding auditions for Chicago.  If you are a budding thesapian or broadway wanna be this audition is for you.  Sing in your church choir and Sunday morning just doesn't fulfill you--you want more, this audition is for you!  Sing in the shower and you are sure the world is missing your talent-- This audition is for you! Get you game on and get to the auditions!  Auditio...
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
And Today There Was an Earthquake in Farmville Virginia I live in Central Virginia.  Not an area where one is concerned about earthquakes.  Today proved to be the day that I had to think about earthquakes. I know that in elementary school that taught us what to do in an earthquake, today my 44 year old brain couldn't remember.  In fact I wasn't sure what was happening. Today as my office shook and shook my office staff, myself and my agents who were in the office all met in the middle of our office before we realized we should be outside or under a large heavy piece of furniture.  We ran outside, office workers in adjoining buildings came into the street also. We all looked at each other...acknowledging that we all just experienced a unique experience. Wow, we thought was that an earthq...
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
Outdoor Festival - Farmville Virginia - August 27 2011 Farmville Five County Fair Grounds 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM Admission is $5.00 9 and under are free This is the 6th annual Outdoor Festival.  It is sponsored by Riverside Community Church.  This all day event includes many outdoor activities for the hunter, fisher-person, & outdoor enthusiasts.  This event is a family event and has something for everyone. Enjoy: Turkey Call Seminars by Quaker Boy Pro-Staffer, Jim Burns from 1:30-2:00 Turkey Calling Contest sponsored by High Bridge Strutters NWTF with competition at 2:30 BB Gun Ranch sponsored by High Bridge Strutters NWTF Kid's Bounce House & Rock Wall sponsored by Awesome Party Supplies Kid's fishing pond 5 Stand Sporting Clays sponsored by Green Top Sporting Goods Turkey Shoot sponsored...
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
Longwood Lancers Announce Their New Mascot - Longwood Welcomes the Horse - Todays GAME was All About the Spirit of Longwood University   Today Longwood University began a new era!  With the announcement of their new mascot, all Longwood Lancer students can now rally behind their new mascot the horse.  Longwood will be having a contest to name their new mascot.  The new name of the mascot will be revealed at the Rock the Block event on September 16th. The mascot was revealed during a pep rally held in Willett Hall on campus. Students, Faculty, and Staff then marched from campus up Fourth Street and Longwood Avenue to the soccer facility on Johnston Drive. Longwood University women's soccer team then played Howard University. The mascot must have been the lucky charm along with the great ...
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By Navona Hart, Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia
(Century 21 Realty @ Home)
Why You Should Get a Pre-Approval Letter - Buying a Home In Farmville Virginia You want to buy a home!  This is an exciting time.  You have evaluated your budget and worked with the online mortgage calculators to determine the amount you can spend on your new home.  You have done your research and you are likely ahead of most other buyers. So you wonder why should you get a pre-approval letter?  Well there are many great reasons as to why you should. There are many loan programs available.  You may not know of special loan programs available to you and a loan officer can go over all of your choices.  The loan program you choose to use to purchase your home may lower or raise the qualification purchase number that we use to buy a home.  It is very important to know the maximum price tha...
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