
Sanpete County, UT Real Estate News

Information gathered from any Utah municipal energy audits in Manti and Sanpete County, Utah will be used to determine energy efficiency, retrofitting and weatherization projects using funds from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants (EECBG). Retrofitting projects will include air infiltration, energy efficient windows and doors, insulation levels, weather-stripping and caulking, and electric base loads.   Using its EECBG formula funding to retrofit and improve the energy efficiency of a number of it's municipal buildings that will result in substantial reduction in energy usage. EECBG Formula grants can be used for energy efficiency and conservation programs and projects community wide, as well as renewable energy installations on local municipal buildings, city facilitie...
Comments 2
By Debbie Aldrich, Salt Lake City Realtor - Salt Lake County, Cottonwood Heights
(The Watts Group Real Estate )
Let it Rain, Let it Rain, Let it rain......nice respite from the summer heat. Nothing like a rain storm over the Mountains in Salt Lake County and Cottonwood Heights, Today we rose to the clap of thunder and ominous clouds hovering over the valley of Salt Lake Countywith the peaks of the mountains coming in and out of view as the clouds expanded and moved through out Salt Lake Real Estate. I ran out after the heavy ran and shot this pictures just 5-10 minutes form my home.          Yes, that is snow in August on those peaks. I woke up and had to shut the those windows it was in the 50's. As usual in Salt Lake County, when the storm passes the sun comes out and it is a glorious day! Debbie aldrich Salt Lake County Real Estate 801-870-0606. www.DebbieAldrich...
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