
Coalville, UT Real Estate News

Energy Auditing Historical Buildings in Coalville, Utah like the old Boyden Block | Information gathered from any Utah energy audits in the Historic Areas of Summit County, Utah will be used to determine energy efficiency, retrofitting and weatherization projects. Retrofitting projects will include air infiltration, energy efficient windows and doors, insulation levels, weather-stripping and caulking, and electric base loads.   Using the data from the energy audit to retrofit and improve the energy efficiency of a number of it's municipal buildings that will result in substantial reduction in energy usage.     Alamo Infrared is the oldest and largest building inspector and energy auditor for homes, businesses, cgurches, schools, medical and government buildings in the Rocky Mountain Wes...
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Energy Audits for Historical Buildings like the Histroric Summit County Courthouse in Coalville | Information gathered from any Utah energy audits in the Historic Areas of Summit County, Utah will be used to determine energy efficiency, retrofitting and weatherization projects using funds from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants (EECBG). Retrofitting projects will include air infiltration, energy efficient windows and doors, insulation levels, weather-stripping and caulking, and electric base loads.   Using its EECBG formula funding to retrofit and improve the energy efficiency of a number of it's municipal buildings that will result in substantial reduction in energy usage. EECBG Formula grants can be used for energy efficiency and conservation programs and projects com...
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