Parkside (Wylie, TX)
By Tricia Hoffmann
(Your Home Free)
In my former life before three kids and a real estate career, I was a college softball coach.  I was truly blessed to meet so many wonderful young ladies and their families.  I attend weddings, showers and even have the opportunity to help them buy and sell houses!  I got a message via Facebook from one of my former hitting "clients".  Julia and her younger sister, Laura, along with Joe, their fantastic father, would come out every Sunday to their high school batting cage and allow me to impart my hitting wisdom on them.  Julia was probably no more than a freshman in high school and Laura was about 12.   Here we are today, in a new home sales office in Wylie, TX, signing paperwork for Julia and her husband's first home!  Julia is married and mom to an absolute doll of a seven month old ...
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