
Whitesboro, TX Real Estate News

By Laura Filip, What can we do for you today?
(Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life )
MONDAY JULY 10 2012 Texoma is a beautiful place to call home. Are you looking to buy in the Texoma area? Give us a call today for a list of available properties in the Texoma Area. We can send that right on over to you. Sellers are you looking to get your Texoma property on the market now is the time to do so. Have a blessed day and enjoy the song UP UP AND AWAY IN OUR BEAUTIFUL BALOON. WE ARE ALL ABOUT TEXOMA EACH AND EVERY DAY HELPING YOU WITH ALL OF YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS.
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By Laura Filip, What can we do for you today?
(Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life )
Texoma homes for sale... Country must be Country wide, we are all about Texoma each and every day helping you with your Real Estate needs. Give us a call today we are looking forward to working with you and helping you will all of your Real Estate needs. Buyers visit us on the web at for more information on Texoma homes for sale. Sellers visit us on the web at for more information on how to get your property on the market and SOLD!!
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By Laura Filip, What can we do for you today?
(Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life )
  Home Improvements that might help you sell your Texoma Home....       Which home improvements give the best payback? If you’re thinking about remodeling your kitchen, or finishing your basement, you probably want to get your investment back when you sell your home. But when it comes to payback value of home improvements, some are definitely more profitable than others. As a general rule, kitchen and bathroom projects usually get a nice return on investment, typically 90% or more.Things like adding rooms or finishing basements tend to pay back the least.Finishing a basement usually returns less than 50%, so it’s not a project likely to show profit at selling time.   There are a number of factors that go into determining how well a project will pay back. Payback value depends a lot on t...
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By Laura Filip, What can we do for you today?
(Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life )
Texas is a Place to call Home, Texoma is one of those wonderous places that is apart of the Great Lone Star State. Take a moment to enjoy the music. Texas Angel by Honeybrowne. A beautiful Song set to blue bonnets and the TExas Flag..... Give us a call when you are ready to own your place in the Lone Star State. Texoma homes for sale. We are All About Texoma Each and Every day helping you with your Real Estate needs. See you soon the tea is just about ready.
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By Laura Filip, What can we do for you today?
(Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life )
                  Please join us for a                Ribbon Cutting            O’Reilly Auto Parts          Friday, June 22nd                 10:00am     861 Hwy 377 N. Ste. 101        Whitesboro Please join us in the grand opening of a new business in Whitesboro Tx. See you there we are all about texoma each and every day helping you with all of your real estate needs.
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By Laura Filip, What can we do for you today?
(Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life )
Great American Hamburger Cook Off June 16 2012 What day it was   We had so much fun a terrific time for all. Keep Whitesboro Beautiful is a wonderful group to be a part of. Thank you to each and everyone that helped to make this event a beautiful day. WE APPRECIATE EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU!!!    
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By Laura Filip, What can we do for you today?
(Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life )
Whitesboro Chamber of Commerce codially invites you to attend the June quarltlery Luncheon to help celebrate Flag Day. Thursday June 14 2012 SOCIAL : 11:30 AM LUNCH BUFFET: 12 NOON PROGRAM: 12:15-1 PM LOCATION WHITESBORO FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH WESLEY HALL Please respond by June 11, 2012 if you are attending so we can prepare enough food for you to enjoy. contact the Chamber at 903-564-3331 or email Menu is HAMBURGERS BEANS CHIPS TEA DESSERT..... COST IS SIX DOLLARS $6  I am voting on seconds on dessert they are always so good ( some are baked by the local folks and they are great cooks) We are ALL ABOUT TEXOMA EACH AND EVERY DAY helping you with your Real Estate needs. Talk to you soon
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By Laura Filip, What can we do for you today?
(Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life )
Please join us for a                Ribbon Cutting          O’Reilly Auto Parts         Friday, June 22nd                10:00am     861 Hwy 377 N. Ste. 101        Whitesboro   please join us for the ribbon cutting and grand opening.. see you there with my camera to take photos ... WE ARE ALL ABOUT TEXOMA EACH AND EVERY DAY HELPING YOU WITH YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS.
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By Laura Filip, What can we do for you today?
(Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life )
2012 Great American Hamburger Cook Off JUNE 16 2012 LOCATION BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN WHITESBORO TX 76273 BENEFITING KEEP WHITESBORO BEAUTIFUL First Place Winner $500 , Trophy and Arpon Peoples Choice Winner $250 , Trophy and Apron Second Place Winner  Trophy and Arpon Third Place Winner Trophy and Apron Fee Event TShirt to team leader if registration is received prior to June 15th $1.00 dollar per ticket or 6 tickets for $5 will get you a sample burger tasting as well as your vote for Peoples Choice. for more information or for an entry form please email or call 214-502-2078 903-564-9190 SPONSORS OF THE EVENT ARE GILBREATH TANK TRUCKS KW UTLITIY CONSTRUCTION TEXAS CRYSTAL CO BUTTERFIELD STAGE STOP AND EMPORIUM OLD WORLD MEAT MARKET KALEIDOSCOPE  QUILT SHOP WM C WELCH...
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By Laura Filip, What can we do for you today?
(Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life )
2012 Great American Hamburger Cook Off JUNE 16 2012 LOCATION BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN WHITESBORO TX 76273 BENEFITING KEEP WHITESBORO BEAUTIFUL First Place Winner $500 , Trophy and Arpon Peoples Choice Winner $250 , Trophy and Apron Second Place Winner  Trophy and Arpon Third Place Winner Trophy and Apron Fee Event TShirt to team leader if registration is received prior to June 15th $1.00 dollar per ticket or 6 tickets for $5 will get you a sample burger tasting as well as your vote for Peoples Choice. for more information or for an entry form please email or call 214-502-2078 903-564-9190 SPONSORS OF THE EVENT ARE GILBREATH TANK TRUCKS KW UTLITIY CONSTRUCTION TEXAS CRYSTAL CO BUTTERFIELD STAGE STOP AND EMPORIUM OLD WORLD MEAT MARKET KALEIDOSCOPE  QUILT SHOP WM C WELCH...
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By Laura Filip, What can we do for you today?
(Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life )
                           Please join us for a                  Ribbon Cutting     NASCOGA Federal Credit Union       Friday, May 18th                           Noon   810 N. Union     Suite 601   Whitesboro               Located next to McDonalds              (refreshments will be served) We are all About Texoma each and every day... Give us a call today for all of your Real Estate needs. TLF PROPERTIES INC  Laura D Filip Broker       Thank you, LaDonna Milner Whitesboro Area Chamber Of Commerce 903-564-3331
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By Laura Filip, What can we do for you today?
(Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life )
KEEP WHITESBORO BEAUTIFUL MEETING AGENDA MAY 17, 2012   Meeting will start at 8 Am downtown at Lovejoy's On Main coffee will be served.   Minutes:  Laura Filip   Treasurer’s Report: Sharron Welch   Report on the 2nd Annual Father’s Day Event, June 16 – Sharron Welch   Peanut Festival, October 20   $80 Booth Rental – non-profit, no electricity Raffle? Peanut Sale, and how much?   After-Action Report on Whitesboro In Bloom   Electronic Waste Recycling – Jack Humes City Wide Garage Sale – Sandy Humes City Recycling – Mike Marter   Invitation to be on Whitesboro Restoration Board   Preparation for Annual Meeting   New Board Members Location Send out invitations to all members Procedure for choosing officers   Downtown Revitalization Previous discussions with City members Additional Grants W...
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By Laura Filip, What can we do for you today?
(Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life )
12TH ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT WHITESBORO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JUNE 04 2012    On Monday June 4 201 Whitesboro Chamber of Commerce is hosting the 12th Annual Golf Tournament at Stone Creek 2200 Club House Dr Sherman TX 75092 903-870-7980 What a grand time one can have playing Golf this year With the Whitesboro Chamber of Commerce Deadline for Registration is May 25 2012 You can register as one person at the rate of $100 dollars a person Or if you have a group of people that you really enjoy playing golf with you can register a team of 4 for only $350 dollars what a deal that one is for an entire team of players. The fee includes the following items Light Breakfast Green fees/cart Mulligan's  Shoot Out Putting contest Lunch Goodie Bag Prizes will be awarded Registration begins at 8:30 to 9:4...
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By Laura Filip, What can we do for you today?
(Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life )
  Barbara Bailey Whitesboro Area Chamber of Commerce President P.O. Box 522 Whitesboro TX 76273 (903) 564-3331     Whitesboro Area Chamber of Commerce will host    Meet and Greet the Candidates     Thursday, May 10th 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.   Jimmie O. Rector Community Center 400 N. Wilson St Whitesboro, TX   All are invited to attend and get to know local candidates before the up-coming election. Thank you for attending this event we appreciate it very much TLF PROPERTIES INC we are AllAboutTexoma each and every day helping you with all of your Real Estate needs. You are encouraged to take the time to stop by and meet the local candidates find out their thoughts and what they stand for. Voting is a privilege held by all American Citizens. ONE NATION UNDER GOD INDIVISIBLE AND JUSTICE FOR ALL  ...
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By Laura Filip, What can we do for you today?
(Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life )
Good Morning Texoma Good Morning Texoma Whitesboro is in Bloom   WHITESBORO IS IN BLOOM ITS IN BLOOM ...... Take a break and lets head on downtown and see what all the buzzzz is about .... Whitesboro Tx is in bloom and we are having a ball today.... Set up time is great we really enjoy visiting and the beautiful sunshine.
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By Laura Filip, What can we do for you today?
(Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life )
KEEP WHITESBORO BEAUTIFUL E WASTE RECYCLER....    The Keep Whitesboro Beautiful E-Waste Recycler will be here this Saturday, April 28th, in the small parking lot at the downtown Landmark Bank Drive-In from 9am till 4pm.   EWD  Joan in/am /Weeks 972.786.1446 ELECTRONIC WASTE DISPOSAL EWD   accepts and recycles components operating through an electrical current. Hard drives and all equipment containing data is completely wiped of all information. If you have questions about our secure data removal please feel free to contact me. EWD is dedicated to zero waste to landfills. Computers Central Processing Units (CPU) Personal Computers Laptops Notebooks External & Hard drives Power supplies Computer Accessories Cords and cabling Keyboards Mouse Web cams Printers & ...
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By Laura Filip, What can we do for you today?
(Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life )
Beauty in Texoma is All About Texoma Each and every day Give us a call and lets talk   We have two locations to serve your Real Estate needs 2007 Texoma Parkway Suite 110 Sherman Tx 75092 and 117 E Main Suite 104 Whitesboro Tx 76273 903-564-5911 903-271-4978 Serving all of Texoma Take a few moments and head downtown Whitesboro and see the flowers they are awesome The parks are ready for you to take a walk in or just sit and take in the beauty. See you soon
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By Laura Filip, What can we do for you today?
(Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life )
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By Laura Filip, What can we do for you today?
(Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life )
OPEN HOUSE TEXOMA WELLNESS AND FITNESS CENTER  March 24, 2012 Line dancing display from The Lake Kiowa Line Dancers at 11.30am Donation Car Washing: from Whitesboro High School Choir. Demonstration timetable: 9.30: PUMP IT! 10.00: Kenpo 10.30: Class/Yoga 11.00: Kenpo 11.30: Line Dance 12.00: Dr. Tuck 12.30: Kenpo We are a Silver Sneakers provider! (Many people 65+are eligible for free fitness) Come and see what we offer as a venue and meet our rep and see if you are one of them! Have a go on our T-zone machine and Traction beds. Blood Drive through Texoma Regional Blood Center - donate your blood for our 3 local hospitals – walk-ins welcome! Open House Super Specials for the Gym and Fitness Classes! Free food, chair massages, health screenings, tons of information and a variety of vendo...
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By Laura Filip, What can we do for you today?
(Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life )
This post will be short and Sweet just a note to say thank you for making the day awesome... We appreciate your business and are looking forward to helping you with all of your Real Estate needs. We work weekends and are ready to help you find that perfect home or parcel of land Laura Filip Broker of TLF PROPERTIES INC
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Whitesboro, TX Real Estate Professionals