69th Annual Whitesboro Chamber of Commerce Banquet Hit Rewind 03/23/2012 7 pm
By Laura Filip, What can we do for you today?
(Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life )
69th Annual Whitesboro Chamber of Commerce Banquet Hit Rewind 03/23/2012 7 pm Come on out and join us for the 69th Annual Chamber Banquet Location : Whitesboro Middle School Cafeteria 600 Fourth Street Whitesboro TX 76273 Tickets 30 dollars a person Catered by Babe's and Golden Chick RSVP required by March 19th email the chamber at chamber@whitesborotx.com or call them at 9035643331 Great fun good food , wonderful people come on out and enjoy a night out on the town. See you there