By Ralph Janisch ABR CRS Broker, Selling Northwest Houston to good people like you!
(Janisch & Co.)
To run or pt to run? That seems to become a burning question whenever one hits a baseball. Last night a young man seemed to be frozen on second base. He stood there as a runner from first thundered down upon him. The second base resident looked right and left where the base coaches were screaming instructions and gesturing wildly. Just as he was about to be overtaken by the first base runner, he took off with great purpose and made it to third. With no time to really think about things the young runner took off again in pursuit of home base. I am delighted to announce that the run home was a success. Success is so often fueled by previous successes. How often have we all allowed moments of indecision to steal our successes? Next time that squeamish feeling guts you , ...