Unexpected leaks...
By Ralph Janisch ABR CRS Broker, Selling Northwest Houston to good people like you!
(Janisch & Co.)
After almost sixty years between us, we are always surprised when challenges we have not had before come up.Recent inspections on a sale showed a leak under the dishwasher. The water was running out of the brick outside the house. The inspector did not move the dishwasher to look underneath . Instead he suggested that the prospective buyers have the area under the dishwasher inspected, looking specifically for wood rot.Ominous thoughts went through everyone's heads. The question also arose about why the renters who were there did not report a water problem.The idea that the dishwasher could have been running water into the cabinet was one of those potentailly expensive repairs. Things like that kill transactions .Today the sellers had the situation looked into... Somehow, a hose to...