Turnberry Tower Tower Project canceled in Houston Texas
By Steven Teoh, Los Angeles South Bay, Palos Verdes
(West Shores Realty)
Due to the finance crisis Turnberry Ltd. had cancel their project to built a 34-story luxury condos in Uptown Houston, TX, Buyers was noticed about the cancellation and the deposit will be refunded plus interest accrued on the money, according to Turnberry, This is the first project Turnberry has had to discontinue in more than 40 years in the real estate development business according to Jim Cohen, a vice president of sale at Turnberry Ltd, There are still many luxury high rises condo available in Houston such as: 2727 Kirby Condos - www.2727kirbycondos.com Huntingdon Condos - www.Huntingdoncondo.com Montibello Condos - www.houstonmontebellocondos.com Villa D'Estate - www.villadestecondos.com/ For more information on Houston Luxury High Rises, please visit www.HoustonLuxuryHighRises....