When customers call
By Ralph Janisch ABR CRS Broker, Selling Northwest Houston to good people like you!
(Janisch & Co.)
I think we can all agree that one of our most important functions as Real Estate brokers, is to connect with the buying public.Connecting is only a part of the process. Communicating is the most important thing we do.Day before Yesterday we had a repeat learning experience. Sometimes we just need reminders...A man called on one of our listings. He asked questions and Ralph answered, trying to build rapport and get information. Then the man asked if he could see the property the next day. We had several appointments that sliced the day seriously but Ralph made an appointment around 2 pm which the man said was ok. We scheduled the appointment with the seller. This is a day sleeper so his schedule is more important than ours!We had two appointments for that time period. Ralph heade...