Musings on selling...
By Ralph Janisch ABR CRS Broker, Selling Northwest Houston to good people like you!
(Janisch & Co.)
Within hours of posting our newest listing, which is our personal home, we got a call to schedule a showing! We granted the request and two hours later the agent arrived with her working partner and the out of town couple. We went outside so the agents could show the house without feeling any pressure. Within a few Minutes, the agent opened the back door to tell us that this couple was looking for a specific floor-plan and this was not it... We were of course disappointed , but we cannot change the floor-plan. It is what it is. I did wonder if the agent could not have guessed that it did not have what her customer wanted by its size and the remarks? Maybe she could have asked some questions on the phone before dragging her clients around? From an agents perspective, perhaps my i...