Homes for Sale in the Crestwood Neighborhood, Houston TX
By Sharron "Shari" Hensley, Master Certified Negotiations Expert
Homes for Sale in the Crestwood Neighborhood Houston TX Why Do People Live Here? For the past 2 decades the popularity of the Crestwood area has been on the rise. In 1994 the price per square foot was just under $99, in 2014 the price has risen to more than $300! One of the reasons people live here is because buying a home in this area can be a great investment. Even though there are large expensive homes, it is also possible to find a home for sale in the Crestwood neighborhood for less than $150k, making it a very versatile neighborhood. Looking for a Home in Crestwood? Want to see what the Crestwood area has to offer? Visit our website to see a full list of available homes in Crestwood and the surrounding area. What's the Neighborhood Like? Homes were...