
Hockley, TX Real Estate News

By Liz Flint, Houston\Tomball Realtor (832)816-8066
(Century 21 Hardee-Team Realty)
23235 Maid Marion Ln, Hockley, TX closing today, from your Tomball, Houston and Hockley Realtor.  Nice pictures taken by my photographer, Vernon Stamm.  Large fireplace is great for roaring fires in the winter.  This 12 acre ranch in Hockley, Texas is just perfect for animals.  I hope the new owners will be very happy here.    
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By Liz Flint, Houston\Tomball Realtor (832)816-8066
(Century 21 Hardee-Team Realty)
Classic Cars from a private museum. The owner graciously allowed the Magnolia Lion's Club to hold their meeting at his location.   Pictures from the Magnolia Lion's Club Magnolia meeting, June 3rd, 2013.   This 1961 Cushman, Silver Eagle is restored.    This 1961 Studebaker is an eye catcher.  The front grill almost reminds me of a Tucker.    This museum even housed some old fashioned horse carriages.   Lovely Lamborghini is also on display at this private museum.  
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By Liz Flint, Houston\Tomball Realtor (832)816-8066
(Century 21 Hardee-Team Realty)
Superbowl Party -- Texas Style! Here were some of the snacks at the tailgate party at my brother's house.  You can see the poster I got him from the Texan's cheerleaders at Chick-fil-A last year. Every football party needs one of these -- a football crockpot to keep your cheese dip hot. After snacking, I went outside and saw this beautiful sunset. The horses seemed calm tonight.  Here was a preview of dinner, we had beef and chicken fajitas, fruit salad, shrimp cocktail and home made macaroni and cheese. After dinner, the guys took up their places in front of the TV and the ladies tried to put this jigsaw puzzle together.  The kids were lining up dominos.  They went down in a clatter. All-in-all it was a great evening.  Hope yours was as well.
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By Ralph Janisch ABR CRS Broker, Selling Northwest Houston to good people like you!
(Janisch & Co.)
Could Ranch Country,  in Hockley Texas, provide an investment opportunity for you?  It has worked for others and it may be that opportunity is knocking again.  This is now a tried and true investment. In the mid 1980s Ranch Country was a subdivision wayyyyy out from Houston.  There was a recession (read; oil bust) going on, not that different from the one we are experiencing now.  Interest rates had spiraled up to 17.5%.  The adjustable rate mortgage was a fairly new product.  People failed to understand that although the monthly rates started out low, they would suddenly go up, up, and away out of sight of the original projected budgets. The interest rates did just that and soon people in Ranch Country bailed out and left their fairly new homes unceremoniously.  In a very short time, t...
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By Cheri Smith, Realtor Prudential Gary Greene
(Prudential Gary Greene, Cypress TX)
The map below shows how many electoral votes your state is allowed in the presidental election. The map below shows how Bush won the 2004 election. Bush had 286 electoral votes and Kerry had 251. The graph below shows the projected numbers for the 2008 election (according to one site). This Week's Tally  October 13, 2008 McCain Obama Margin ProjectedElectoral Votes  169  369  Obama +200 ProjectedPopular Vote  44.85%  53.15% Obama +8.3% Let me state for the record that these "projections" are about as valid as the National Weather Service guessing how many hurricanes there will be in a given year. The truth is that they don't know, they are just guessing and hope they are right. Regardless, it is VERY important that EVERYONE get out and vote and be heard in this election. Weither or not ...
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