Affiliate Income for Realtors and Loan Officers
By Matt Liistro, Your Credit Repair Expert
(National Credit Fixers - Matt Listro)
Disclaimer: I am not suggesting you break any laws. If you are subject to regulations that prohibit you from receiving affiliate income, then perhaps you have a spouse, child, relative, or friend who wants to set up the business that you refer your clients to.The idea here is simply. Credit Scores not only affect your clients ability to buy a home but also the interest rate and points. Even a client with a 700 score could possible benefit by improving that score to 720 or 740.By directing your clients to a credit monitoring system, your client May be able to improve their score with some simple guidance from the monitoring service. This could be as simple as paydown information, best by dates for individual cards, etc.You (or someone you know) could be profiting from this by becoming...