Lake Park Estates (Dallas, TX)
By Adam Franzetti, Work With A Specialist!!
(Franzetti Real Estate)
Lake Park Estates Homes For Sale In Dallas TexasStreet View - homes for sale in Lake Park Estates, Dallas Tx 75218  Access MLS homes for sale in Lake Park Estates In the market for a new home, but need to sell your current home in the Dallas, Texas area first? Our team of specialists are active throughout the entire DFW metroplex. You can request a personal home valuation  and see where you stand as a seller.Unique Custom HomesLake Park Estates homes for sale in Dallas Texas provide easy access to anywhere in the North Dallas area. This pocket community includes homes featuring a variety of elevations, floor plans and custom styling. Years built range from 1949 to 1958 and layouts feature 3-4 bedroom homes with up to 4 bathrooms. Featuring an average home size of around 1900 sqft and ra...
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Search Homes for Sale, Foreclosures, REO & Short Sales in 75218 or Copy & Paste  City: Dallas, TX Dallas County, TX Zip code population (2000): 21,710 Estimated zip code population in 2007: 23,342 Subdivisions in zip code 75218: Casa Linda  Casa Linda Estates  Casa View  East Dallas  Forest Hills  Highland Meadows  L Streets  Lake Park Estates  Little Forest Hills  Lochwood (Dixon Branch)  Old Lake Highlands  Public primary/middle schools in zip code 75218: MARTHA TURNER REILLY EL (Students: 1,150; Location: 11230 LIPPITT AVE, DALLAS, TX; Grades: KG - 06) ROBERT T HILL MIDDLE (Students: 885; Location: 505 EASTON RD, DALLAS, TX; Grades: 07 - 08) REINHARDT EL (Students: 768; Location: 10122 LOSA DR, DALLAS, TX; Grades: PK - 06) VICTOR H HEXTER EL (Students: 659; Loca...
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