A familiar sight in my herb garden in Cibolo, Texas
By Robin Rogers, CRS, TRC, MRP - Real Estate Investment Adviser
(Robin Rogers, Silverbridge Realty, San Antonio, Texas)
Gray hairstreak butterflies are a familiar sight in our organic garden in Cibolo, Texas. There are about 50 varieties of hairstreak, and the gray hairstreak is the most common in Texas. Hairstreaks seem to have an affinity for white flowers. When the privet hedge blooms in early spring, they are all over it. Later in the year, they go for the nectar in the basil flowers in our herb garden, like this one. As you can see from the close-up photo, hairstreaks are small butterflies. What I like about hairstreak butterflies are the little tails at the ends of their hindwings behind the large spots of color. Perhaps these tails evolved to look like antennae to confuse predators.