Twin Creeks - An Exceptional Neighborhood (Allen, TX)
By Heather Anderson, Real Estate Concierges
Welcome to Allen’s largest and most exciting master planned subdivision, Twin Creeks! Twin Creeks began building in the early nineties and is still going strong, with over 8,000 residents calling this neighborhood home. In addition to the main Twin Creeks section, there are sub-neighborhoods within Twin Creeks with their own designations. • Somerset - Toll Brothers and Huntington patio homes (some on the golf course) ranging from $400K to $600K• Lexington - Toll Brothers and Sanders estate sized homes (some on the golf course) ranging from $500K to $800K• Ashwood - Standard Pacific and Highland homes ranging from $200K - $400K. This section is completed and does not offer any more new homes.• Hawthorn - Standard Pacific and Huntington homes ranging from $300K - $600K• Wim...