
Mountain Home, TN Real Estate News

By Mary Sheridan, Creative Marketing, Buyer Agency 423-943-7655
(Keller Willliams - 1033 Hamilton Place,Johnson City TN 37604)
It’s a scary thought:   it’s not too early to start thinking about your 2012 income tax planning.    Dear Neighbors, A good resource for help with this and a lot of other financial information is a recent Bankrate Tax Center article which has many useful links you may want to keep – forms, various questions, brackets.  Give it a glance and maybe save it for when you have more time.   Here are three samples  from the many useful  articles available through this one link.         Federal  tax brackets      Taxes in Tennessee      Estate and gift taxes Can you suggest other such resources for me to share?    Or useful information in other areas – technology, gadgets, home maintenance tips, etc.     I keep finding useful  information and would like to share, but don’t want to intrude, since...
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