Why use a consultant? I'm funding my project personally
By Mike Young, FHA 203k Consultant 828-469-7462
(203kOnLine.com, covering the USA)
Why use a consultant? I'm funding my project personallyI have a friend who is a LO who was funding their own project construction cost and has been having lots of issues finding a contractor, getting anyone to bid on their project.Consultants aren't just for FHA 203k, or Fannie Mae - HomeStyle® Renovation Mortgage, or VA Renovation loans. We are consultants that have talent to help YOU with any renovation project. The way things are going currently1) No one has bid the project for a couple of months2) no scope of work has been defined as yet - every contractor would bid what they thought needed to be done.3) The owners are pulling their hair out.What would happen if they hired a consultant who does it by the book?1) The would have nailed down a scope of work so all contractors bid the s...