
Butler County, PA Real Estate News

By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
Sunrise in Freeport Pennsylvania along the Allegheny River where the Kiski River merges with the Allegheny River.  Allegheny Lock and Dam 5 is just to the left of me.  On September 28 2023 catching a beautiful morning sunrise. 
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By Michael J. Perry, Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist
(Fathom Realty)
      The Cassidy Clan  came together again to wish Cousin Jimmy an amazing 80th Birthday . Jimmy is the character in the center with the purple hat . He could pass for 70 ! We had the party at very unique brewery in the town of Slippery Rock . Thanks to all who put this together !        But this was more than just a Birthday Party .Growing up we were an inseparable Family who celebrated all Holidays together . In addition to those we came together at Wm. & Opal Cassidy’s home in Strawberry and Peach season . Opal made the best Strawberry Shortcake and “I must have a second slice” Peach Pie !           However all of our “ Greatest Generation “ family members have passed . A number of the Family have relocated to other states . And be before we knew it, 10 years had passed . In my spir...
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By Mike Young, FHA 203k Consultant 916-758-1809 cell direct
(, covering the USA)
How do I make the payments on my FHA 203k loan while paying rent? It would be very difficult for most people to make two mortgage payments or a mortgage payment and a rent payment. Typically one of these payments is enough for most buyers. Many times the construction though the cost is included in the loan amount with the 203k loan program will be handled it doesn't openly contain the rent or mortgage on the other home you need to live in during the course of construction.  What do we do about  it? Simple... if your consultant says the home cannot be occupied for ninety days you can include two payments in your mortgage to help with that situation. If your project will last six months you can include up to six mortgage payments as part of your construction costs to ease the situation.  ...
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
You can't reach for anything new if your hands are still full of yesterday's junk... Forget about what happened yesterday, or last week, last month and even last year.  The past is just that... The past.  Leave it there and move on.  Today is the greatest gift we have for every breath you take is a new opportunity to start a new chapter in your life.  Every breath you take you should be happy and thankful... Just think, every breath you take there are several people all over the world that will be taking their last breath of life.Breath in thankfulness and breath out the possibilities, the joys of life, the new beginnings, etc... Are your hands still full of yesterday's junk OR are you living every breath with thankfulness?
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
  "A simple change of mind"... A thought that only takes a second is "One act that alters the course of your life forever".   The "mind" of the human being is the most powerful force in the world.  If you simply change your thoughts you can change the course of YOUR life AND the lives of others.
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
Don't wait for inspiration... Be the inspiration!  Today is a new day and the waiting for inspiration is over.  Today is the day YOU and ONLY you can BE the inspiration you need for yourself and others around you.  A great book to read is "Conquering an enemy called average".  I read that book last year and it has changed my life and the life I bring to my real estate team.  We are a fast growing group of professionals to assist people in their real estate needs.  The book has 52 "Nuggets of Truth" and I read the whole book within a week highlighting key points that inspired me, moved me and/or slapped me up side the head and told me to wake up to life.  Now I read 1 nugget a week every morning before anyone else and gets to the office.  It makes a BIG difference to BE the inspiration ...
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
No matter how good or bad you think life is, wake up each day and be...thankful for life.  Someone somewhere else is fighting to survive.  The more freedom we have the more we feel we deserve.  We deserve nothing... and we should be thankful of everything we have.  We don't deserve the right to live.... yet GOD gave you another day and that alone should open your eyes to being thankful.   When your alarm clock goes off in the morning, the first thing you should do is be thankful to have another day. 
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
Some people just ACT like they are trying to help you... Always be thankful for anyone the is willing or trying to help you, but alwo remember not everyone is doing it in YOUR best interest. In the past I have personally had this kind of help. We are quick to take a helping hand, just be sure that hand is not leading you into the hungry lions den.
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
10 Amazing Life Lessons YOU can Learn From Albert Einstein; 1. Follow your curiosity... To grow you MUST chase your curiosity, if not you can not grow, learn and expand in life.2. Perseverance is priceless...NEVER give up on what you want. NEVER You may have to go after what you want in a different approach but NEVER NEVER give up.3. Focus on the present... The past is just that, it passed you and is over with, focus on NOW. NOW is going to make your future. So make NOW very very important.4. The imagination is powerful...What the mind conceive and believe....It can achieve.5. Make mistakes... If you make mistakes and keep doing the same mistakes that's called insanity. If you make mistakes and learn from them, that's called wisdom. Use that wisdom to build your future.6. Live in the m...
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
There is a HUGE amount of freedom that comes to you when you take nothing personally... When you take things personally you become a "victim" and have the mentality of becoming afraid of offending other people.  If you go around trying to make everyone happy...You may be able to do that for all the people you meet but we assure you that YOU will not be happy in life.  Be respectful in life and with everyone you meet but do NOT become so attached with there happiness that you lose yours.  Don't take things personally.  If you have to say "no" to a friend or family member, so be it, the answer is no.  If they get upset don't take it personally.  Take nothing personally and you will have an easier stress free life.  Have respect but don't take things personally.
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
Live the live you have ALWAYS imagined....GOD put your eyes in the front of your face so you can see forward so stop looking back.  Today is a new start to a new direction in life.  Today is the start to live the life you have always imagined and to grow it bigger and better every day.  We are blessed with a new day every day.  Nothing follows us day after day unless you let it.  Life the life you have ALWAYS imagined and let those days follow you day after day... and you WILL be living the perfect life that you desire.
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
A bad attitude is like a flat tire, you can't go anywhere until you change it... Attitude is 90% of a persons happiness or misery.  How you look at a situation with your attitude will determine how it affects you.  Things happen in life.  Deal with it, learn to accept it in life and keep an open mind.  If you can do that then you are going places.
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
Whatever your excuse is, it is time to stop believing it...Excuses are the easy way out---for the weak.  It takes discipline to start doing and keep going at whatever it is you want.  Yet most people take the easy way out by making excuses.  Look at this guy and look at the art work he is making.  Do you think he accepted excuses?  Whatever your excuse is, it is time to stop believing it...
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
Time changes the day, and days become weeks, and weeks become months and months become years... Are you sitting around waiting for things to happen or are you out there making things happen?  The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expectation different results.  Time changes everything...IF you are willing to be doing things differently.  
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
Life isn't about finding youself.  Life is about creating yourself... What you did in the past is what you are today.  To be the person you want to be in the future you have to start to be that person today.  The ONLY way to predict the future and it create it.  Start today.  Stop looking for yourself and just start creating it by just doing it.
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
Here is something for home buyers to think about... With winter just about over and the Spring season right around the corner.  If you are one of the thousands that are in hibernation and waiting for the weather to break to start your new home search.  That may work against you in the long run.  With interest rates slowing rising (Just like gas prices rising) you may end up paying more for that house when it's all said and done.  If you buy a $150,000 house at this time with 10% down and the interest rates of 3.75% your Principle and Interest payment will be $625.21 a month.  Over 30 years that will amount to $225,075.60.  If you wait and the interest rate goes up (estimated to be at 5% before years end) that would take your payment from $625.21 per month to $880.96 and over 30 years th...
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
You are now entering a stress free zone... We all need to print this and put it on our office door and/or the door at our house. How many people could you say that to at work that talks about stressful things to you about?  Here's your sign... You are not entering a stress free zone.
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
Attitude is a little thing that makes a BIG difference... Size matters when it comes to anything positive and negative.  Attitude may seem like a little issue in life but your attitude is what your future is made of.  The attitude you have 1,5,10,15 years ago is what brought you to where you are today... and the attitude you have today will bring you your future.  So size matters... in a huge way with you attitude.
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
Wanderlust... is a Wonderful desire to have. Who wouldn't want to travel the world?  To travel around the world and see how other cultures are living their day to day lives would be amazing.  Imagine the 3rd world countries where there are no cell phones and the day to day grind they have just to survive.  Imaging going to places that are all high end living.  Wanderlust, just imagine the possibilities...
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Butler County, PA Real Estate Professionals