Keystone ASHI Meeting for Reading Home Inspectors- March 7, 2011
By David Artigliere, ARTI Home Inspections, ASHI Certified Home Inspect
(Reading, Pottstown, Norristown, Philadelphia)
Keystone ASHI Meeting for Reading Home Inspectors- March 7, 2011 The next Keystone ASHI meeting for Reading Home Inspectors will be held March 7, 2011. The meeting is not limited to Home Inspectors in Reading and all are welcomed! There will be a guest speaker, Darren Hack from DH Electrical, doing an electrical presentation for this month's meeting. If you have never attended a meeting and would like more information, you can get in touch with the current Vice-President of Keystone ASHI who helps setup the meetings, David Artigliere from ARTI Home Inspections LLC by calling 610-779-1163. The schedule for the meeting is as follows: 5-5:30 Social time 5:30 – 6:30 Roundtable discussion (Inspection related topics) 6 PM Dinner is served and you get your choice of Beef or Ch...