Market Day - Newtown, PA (Bucks County, PA)
By John Meussner, #MortgageMadeEasy Fair Oaks, CA 484-680-4852
(Catalyst Mortgage)
Market Day in Newtown, PA Saturday October 5, 2013 10am-4p (Rain Date Sunday 10/6) This Saturday will mark the 37th annual Market Day in Newtown, PA. This event is free to the public and is a celebration of the historic harvest tradition of farmers bringing their produce to town to sell and to have a fun day of events. The tradition lives on thanks to the Newtown Historic Association. Expected at this years event will be 50+ crafters, demonstrators, and artists, as well as local music, and a bunch of food & fun! Crafts to include woodcarving, jewelry, fine arts, photography, quilting, and more. There will also be a colonial militia encampment to check out throughout the day for you history lovers. Those who know me know my favorite part of any eve...