Conrad Estates - Homes for Sale In Lancaster PA
By Cal Yoder, Homes For Sale in Lancaster PA - 717.413.0744
(Keller Williams Elite)
Conrad Estates in located in Warwick Township and if you are looking for Homes for sale in Lancaster PA, this development is one you will want to consider. A development of about 70 homes, it is nestled next to open farm land and just below the White Swan in Rothsville. Conrad Estates residents have a Lititz, PA mailing address. In the past year, 3 homes have sold and 2 are under contract. There are no current active listings. Homes for sale in Lancaster PA – Conrad Estates have sold between $244,900 and $289,900. Warwick Schools provide excellent educational opportunities for Conrad Estates students. There are four elementary schools in Warwick School District, one middle school and one high school, which serve 4500+ students. Conrad Estates elementary students attend John R. Bonfield ...