Buckfield Development - Homes for Sale in Lancaster PA - Single Family
By Cal Yoder, Homes For Sale in Lancaster PA - 717.413.0744
(Keller Williams Elite)
Buckfield Development in Manheim Township offers single family homes for sale in Lancaster PA. These single family homes are in excess of 2000 square feet to almost 3500 square feet. Nestled among other developments, spacious lots are a feature of Buckfield. During the past year, 9 homes have sold in Buckfield and currently there are 3 homes for sale in Lancaster PA within this development. Research the marketplace on my website to learn more about the values of homes within Buckfield. Homes have sold from $230,000 - $435,000. This development has a Lititz PA mailing address, but is located in Manheim Township. Manheim Township Schools has almost 6000 students and offers a wide array of academic choices for students. There are 10 schools within the system. 6 elementary schools, a sixth ...