Active Rain Really Works for Networking and Gaining Quality Referrals
By Pam Burzynski, Bethlehem Area Homes, Grace Realty Co. Inc.
(Grace Realty Co. Inc.)
Networking has been a huge buzz word in recent years. By definition Networking is: a supportive system of sharing information and services among individuals and groups having a common interest. So Active Rain is a networking group for those interested in Real Estate and it's been alive, well and working since ____. I tried to find out when it all began here at AR, but came up blank, so maybe one of you smart Active Rainers can fill in that blank for me. Anyway, several months ago I had one of those phone calls we all dream about....A REAL buyer referral. I say REAL because the buyers were Very Qualified and they wanted to relocate to the Bethlehem area by the summer, which was only 4 months away. I was delighted to find out that the referal was coming from Active Rain. Laura said she ...