
Bensalem, PA Real Estate News

By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
Tricks or treats long tails and short tails - no puppy dog tailsBack in 2009 when I first joined AR I would see Blogs about market reports and wonder why people were writing them. One person Jeff Dowler, CRS was always writing about Carlsbad California.  I started to learn about Jeff as he relocated from my area and branded himself the relocation dude. Here is a link to his post   Way back when I also attended several Rain Camps and heard  Bob Steward and Ben Kinney speak. They taught me about the long and short tails. In blogging, it simply meant taking a specific area and choosing a small section/subdivision .. Try to choose a section that is not being worked on by other agents. Blog about this area and do market reports. Blog about events and restaurants in the area. You can even int...
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By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
Echo Beach is a delightful riverfront community situated in Bensalem, near Station Avenue and State Road. It comprises a variety of custom single-family homes of different sizes, some of which are located right on the river. Despite being a hidden gem, many homes in the area have been handed down to family members, and there are a range of small and large properties available, both old and new. Echo Beach's proximity to I-95, Septa Trains, and Amtrak makes it an accessible and sought-after location.  Echo Beach has a unique charm, perhaps due to its proximity to the Delaware River. As I drove through the area, people waved and said hello, which is rare in many places. It's no wonder that families have made this place their home for generations. Even when sons and daughters move away, th...
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By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
As I was driving to the Bensalem Real Estate office today I saw lights flashing and heard sirens. There was a car behind me. It was not a police car. I pulled over some to see if he needed to get by me thinking it might be a volunteer fireman. Nothing he stayed behind me. The light was green so I proceeded to turn. He followed again I moved to the right so he could pass me and he did not. Lights still flashing I became nervous and my heart started pounding as I had seen on the news about women being stopped by cars, not police vehicles, and being cautioned to be aware of the dangers. I knew I was not speeding and had not gone through stop signs or red lights so I continued to the main road where he passed me and signaled me to pull over and I saw he had a uniform.  I explained I thought...
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By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
 The Right House is Screaming "Wait For ME"  Buying a home can be very frustrating. Not only the qualifying first step. You know where you sit down with the mortgage banker with all your information. Your pay stubs, bank statements, and tax forms. You know all the things you had to search for. Hopefully, you did not try to skip this step. Then you figure out the price of the house you can really afford the payment you can live with. Now we are ready to hit the road and find the house of your dreams. The one when we walk into you get that feeling. Oh yes, it is a feeling. It is the feeling that deep inside you know that this is home. You can live here. It may not have everything you thought you wanted but it does feel like home.  It has that this is my house feeling. You decide you are g...
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By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
You are getting ready to sell your house. You called your agent and received a list of things to do to get the house ready for sale. If you are like many people you probably looked and said where do I start?    The closets are a great place to begin. You are going to be moving so let's pack up the closets and clean them up. If it is warm weather and you live in a four-season climate, take your cold-weather clothes and shoes. Pack them away. Let's make room in these closets and make them look big and spacious.  Clean them out. All the closets in the house even the linen closets. If you have not worn clothes in the last year you most likely will not wear them. Bag them up and donate them. There are many books and even videos online to show you how.  Keep only what items are necessary.  No...
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By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
In Pennsylvania, we do not use attorneys in Real Estate transactions. We use forms that attorneys prepare and fill in the blanks. There are times when there are situations when we find it is time for our clients to seek legal advice. We as agents should never give legal advice we are not attorneys.Here is a situation I ran into -  entry March Challenge Patricia Feager, MBA, CRS, GRI,MRP  and Kathleen Daniels, Probate & Trust Specialist I had a beautiful listing under contract. The owner was looking for a small condo to purchase she was a divorced woman and I was very fond of her. We had been looking and there were a few she liked we had not pinpointed the exact location yet.  One morning I received a call from her. She was going to be a grandmother. I congratulated her and she thanked m...
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By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
Let's take a look at what is going on in the Neshaminy Valley Townhouse Market in Bensalem Township. These townhomes are always in high demand as they are so spacious and there are no HOA or Condo fees. Neshaminy Valley townhomes are owned by Fee Simple and were built in the mid-1970s-1980s by Korman. There are many different sizes and styles to choose from. I lived in one for many years and it always amazes me the additions and customizations that have been made. Many of the two-story model's main bedrooms have a sitting room. The second bedroom is large and if you walk into this room first you may think it was the main bedroom.   There is one active townhouse for sale and I will be surprised if it will last long as it is an end with a custom addition put on with many upgrades and a la...
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By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
Let's Talk about the Coves Townhouses in Bensalem. These townhouses were built in the mid-1970s  and offer a variety of styles that are spacious and some are larger than many single homes you may walk into. The split-level models are very popular also the large straight-through models both feature 3BR and 2.5 bathrooms and lower-level rec rooms. There is also a yard most of them through the years have been fenced.Most of the end units have 4 BR 2.5 baths no lower level and are around 2200 Sq' and have a main bedroom that is larger than many single homes in this price range. I have however found one 4 bedroom end with a lower level. One of the best features of these townhomes is that they are fee simple owned with no association fee. Yes, you heard me right no HOA or Condo fees      Behi...
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By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
Let's talk about the Clusters townhouses in Bensalem. Townhomes are very spacious and come in many styles. The floor plans vary but are always spacious. Some are three levels with finished rec rooms others are two levels. When they were built they built in the 1970's you could pick your model and add on. There were also some with premium lots that backed up to wooded areas. Best of all there are no Hoa or Condo fees here. They are owned fee simple.    The location of the Clusters is very desirable as there is a wonderful school within walking distance. Many people call requesting to live near the school called Russle C Stuble. The Clusters also has a great location, located near Septa Trains, I95, US #1, and the Pa Turnpike are just minutes away. Easy access to  Burlington Bristol Bridg...
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By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
Challenges help to motivate and inspire us. There is a wonderful challenge going on right now regarding blogging success stories. I hope you are going to enter. If not I hope you are reading the entries and learning from them. This challenge reminded me and inspired me that I have many years of blogs that I have to check and refresh. You probably wonder what I mean by this well let me explain Almost two years ago I switched my Real Estate company. I started blogging back in 2009 so almost all of my Videos and somewhere in my post, have my old Real Estate office name and phone number in them. I have a terrible habit of repeating myself. I also do this when speaking it drives my family crazy. I do not know if I mentioned I have been licensed since 1984.  I need to go back and check all my...
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By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
Ravioli and pasta soup recipe  I know I am late again, but better late than never, hope it was  worth waiting for  It was actually inspired by Endre Barath, Jr.  and his lasagna soup recipe 2 containers of vegetable cooking stock I use organic, but any kind will do you can also substitute beef or chicken broth or mix and use bone broth  ! can of diced tomatoes 2 chicken breasts, split (any chicken) pot luck first time I used wings can delete if you use bone broth or can use meat balls One large green and yellow zucchini, cut   thick slices and quartered, plus carrots sliced soup size cook on the stove, I added water filled  into the containers to boil and simmer chop 3 gloves garlic to taste or add one  TBS powdered / black pepper one tsp dash red pepper  powder or flakes   One TBS Grou...
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By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
 Calling all Builders here is a rare opportunity to build in an established neighborhood called Echo Beach.  This is a Riverfront community and in my professional opinion an up-and-coming community. A short walk from the River you can walk to the dock and down to the river. The Yacht Club is your neighbor and the new condo development Waterside is being built nearby on the waterfront.   Echo Beach remains to be an established community by the Delaware River where families seem to come and go for generations from generations. A place to call home. Where everyone waves and says 'Hello' and smiles so rare in today's world of chaos.   Please watch this video about Echo Beach and Enjoy  
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By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
Let's talk about Echo Beach a small Single Home Community in Bensalem Pa along the Delaware River. You will find houses of all sizes and shapes old and new. It is next to the Yacht club and also close to the Waterside development Many people do not even know that  Echo Beach is there even though there is a sign that says Echo Beach  Echo Beach is a very old community but in my professional opinion a very up-and-coming community. Each street you drive up is different than the next. Every house has its own character. Everyone waves to you and says's "Hello how are you" Such a friendly place to live.  Something rare to find in today's world.   There is a special charm about this place called Echo Beach. Maybe it is because it is so close to the Delaware River. It seems to have a magical fe...
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By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
 This post is inspired by my friend Endre Barath, Jr., and the stories he tells of coming to the United States of America. Well to tell the truth I was born and raised right here in the USA. In fact, I was raised in Philadelphia Pa home of the Liberty Bell and where Betsy Ross made the American Flag. Let me not forget to mention this is where the Declaration of Independence was signed.    Let me tell you what my father and I would talk about around the kitchen table. I would say Dad what nationality are we? He would always answer " We are Americans " I would ask again No Daddy some kids at school are Italian and others are German than there are Irish what are we?  He would always answer the same way "WE ARE AMERICANS "   No, let us all be truthful no one except for the American Indians ...
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By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
 Today was the first day  I venture shopping for fruit veggies and flowers in a year. I had just re-potted a few of my orchids and to my surprise, the roots were so healthy and the plants were very happy with the repotting. It was a beautiful day.  I decided to travel to Produce Junction in Bensalem Pa where I had purchased my orchids before. They always have a great selection of flowers and plants also nuts, fruits, and veggies, and amazing prices - also eggs   When I parked there were flowers galore all over outside for outdoor planting. Living in a condo I did not stop to admire as I was on a mission. I was looking for Orchids.   Inside there was an array of gorgeous bunches of flowers. They were breathtaking and so colorful. I reached for my camera to shoot some pictures. I realized...
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By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
 Looking for Cleo today and there she was sound asleep curled up in her bed. She looked at me as if she could talk saying let me sleep it is chilly in Philly. I had to laugh as she usually is right next to me as I work on the computer   
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By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
 Thinking back on my first home purchase. I was not a Realtor. My close friend was going through a divorce. She was going to sell her cute row house close to both our parents. I was just 1973 I was  married with a gorgeous two year old daughter Johanna. The house was $21,000 both our parents helped us with the $1,000 each and we had some money saved. My husband worked at an attorney office who took care of everything.  Six years later there was now a nine month brother Eric and we decided to move. We now had a considerable amount of equity in the house. The interest however were very high around 18%. I did find a very nice lady Realtor. She worked for Fox & Lazo (now Berkshire Hathaway) She found a cash buyer right away for top dollar. I respect her even more thinking back as I wanted t...
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By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
 I took my grandson Aidan to see the remake of the Disney movie "Dumbo"here is the original made in 1941 The remake was amazing and Aidan enjoyed it so much. It was great how the storyline really wasn't changed that much. He liked it so much he is hoping there will be a part 2.I enjoyed it also remembered seeing original as a child   Looking for a great movie "DUMBO"Looking for a great RE Agent Hannah Williams  Re/Max 215 953 8818
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By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
   At the Shagun Palace on Monday, I had a delightful Active Rain Meet-up with Gita Bantwal in Bensalem Pa  We ate at an Indian Buffet Restaurant. Gita and I have talked on the phone many times but have never met in person. Sampling many different dishes of flavorful foods Gita was very surprised that I liked the spicy dishes. I told her of the time I had eaten at an Indian Restaurant in Center City with Praful Thakkar. We laughed  and enjoyed our time together   I had a video of Cleo my Siamese cat on my phone that I could not figure out how to get on to YouTube. Gita quickly showed me how to do it. Then she informed me she was taking a break from Active Rain to spend some time with her grandchildren. I told her she could do both. We will see what she decides as we are planning to lunc...
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By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
   Today I read this article directed for seniors in a newsletter I thought how newsworthy it was for local seniors There are so many options when choosing a Medicare plan it can become quite confusing. Always wondering did I make the right choice for me. There always some neighbor or friend telling you that you made the wrong choice. Here is somewhere you can go to get information Know Your Medicare Options  Steven Bobrin, a planning specialist with DelVal Senior Advisors, is offering a FREE seminar titled “Know Your Medicare Options” on Thursday, June 6th from   6:30 pm – 8 pm at Bensalem Township Community Park (4301 Richelieu Road). You’ll learn how Medicare works and what it covers, how Part “D” prescription cards work & how to pick the right one for you, the difference between Med...
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