Is the West Disappearing?
By Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate, "Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843
(John L Scott Market Center)
While out walking with my dogs on Greasy Spoon Road in my community in Birkenfeld Oregon,I got to thinking about a story I heard on Public Radio International yesterday morning on The Takeaway, a discussion about The Disappearing West Here is a statistic: Every 2.5 minutes, the American West loses a football field of natural area to human development. John Hockenberry interviewed University of Colorado Professor of History, Patty Limerick who specializes in the West and she didn't seem overly worried. She mentioned how this ebbs and flows in history as she put it, "I am very aware of the last two centuries in the West" and she found the word, "disappearing" as "an interesting term in and of itself....we're still HERE...quite a lot of it", she said, as she described where she was si...