Metzger - Tigard: The Metzger neighborhood of Tigard is .74 square miles of single family homes, town homes, condos, and apartments that is located where Tigard, Beaverton and SW Portland intersect. Most of the Metzger neighborhood is located within unincorporated Washington County and is not in any city limits. The zip code generally used is 97223 and the city used is Tigard. Tigard does not have its own post office and 97223 is a City of Portland zip code. I know this quaint fact because I live in Metzger. You can use Tigard or Portland and you will still get your mail. View Larger Map The Metzger neighborhood is noted for its older homes on larger lots and freeway access is minutes away. It takes 20 minutes to get to downtown Portland and 40 minutes to get to the airport. The superb...