Fishhawk Lake Now a Firewise Community
By Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate, "Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843
(John L Scott Market Center)
Firewise Community at Fishhawk Lake Gayle Rich-Boxman, Broker Vernonia Realty Firewise Committee Member Being a man made lake Fishhawk Lake Recreation Club, tucked in the basin of the coastal range surrounded by forests and forests and trees and trees, well you get the picture...we can be looking at potential wildfires wreaking havoc in our small community. So a small group of us volunteered to be a Firewise Committee and clean up our area in conjunction with the Oregon Department of Forestry. This was decided last fall and on a boggy nasty wet weekend, we grabbed our mucklucks, raingear and gloves, along with equipment of various types to tackle pruning, cutting and ridding ourselves of hazardous materials that could fuel a wildfire. All in all about 40 of us showed up that weekend....