
Birkenfeld, OR Real Estate News

By Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate, "Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843
(John L Scott Market Center)
Firewise Community at Fishhawk Lake Gayle Rich-Boxman, Broker Vernonia Realty Firewise Committee Member Being a man made lake Fishhawk Lake Recreation Club, tucked in the basin of the coastal range surrounded by forests and forests and trees and trees, well you get the picture...we can be looking at potential wildfires wreaking havoc in our small community.   So a small group of us volunteered to be a Firewise Committee and clean up our area in conjunction with the Oregon Department of Forestry. This was decided last fall and on a boggy nasty wet weekend, we grabbed our mucklucks, raingear and gloves, along with equipment of various types to tackle pruning, cutting and ridding ourselves of hazardous materials that could fuel a wildfire.  All in all about 40 of us showed up that weekend....
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By Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate, "Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843
(John L Scott Market Center)
The meanderings of Gayle Rich-Boxman,Realtor in the middle of nowhere Normally I  write all about my dream-come-true place where I live and get to work out my real life passion of doing real estate (and actually make money at it, which many can't say is happening in this economy right now), but I am looking around at all of these successful Bloggers and realize what a beginner I am at this.  It took me eons just to figure out what the actual word BLOG meant, and I'm STILL questioning whether or not I got it right: business log?? Heck, I dunno. It's like asking about where certain phrases come from like Dead as a Doornail....I recall reading that in a Dickens novel.  However I had used it for years before discovering it in one of his books, but honestly, can anyone really explain what TH...
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By Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate, "Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843
(John L Scott Market Center)
Gayle Rich-Boxman, Broker with Vernonia Realty Your Gateway to Fishhawk Lake!   New Certified Woodstove, Home for Sale,  71624 Fishhawk Rd. There's a new law in town, one that's fightin' to get rid of  those gosh darn ole woodstoves hangin' around! Any lawabiding citizen in Oregon may think that they can take matters into their own hands, but before you do, know the FACTS. Just the Facts Ma'am: As of August 1, 2010, the state of Oregon put into effect a new law that requires a seller to remove and destroy an uncertified woodstove or fireplace insert.  It has to be certified  by DEQ, the Department of Environmental Quality (state of Oregon) or EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency (national). Go to: for more information You can also check DEQ's...
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By Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate, "Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843
(John L Scott Market Center)
  Gayle Rich-Boxman, Fulltime Resident of Fishhawk Lake Broker, Vernonia Realty Your Gateway to Fishhawk Lake! One of the perks of living at Fishhawk Lake is one you won't find on RMLS or a website with real estate listings because it's not about property it's about people.  Since it's been over five years of living out in the country, tucked away from the urban sprawl, my social network "in town" (Portland and the surrounding areas) has gotten used to the idea of me living where I do and when they come to visit, they don't want to leave!  It's incredibly peaceful and gives one a sense of balance because it forces you to stop and see nature, breathe really clean air, have conversations instead of going to the get the drift.  But, my point is that not only is it an amazing "s...
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