
Orillia, ON Real Estate News

By Mark Vosylius, Toronto, Ontario
(Mana Investments )
When to sell a real estate investment property. The recent report by the Bank of Montreal ( Financial Post Financial, March 3) stating that perhaps we are at the top of our cycle only confirms what we discussed here only a few weeks ago. The affordability index in Canada is too high. The report suggests that the compensating factor is rising wages. That is, if income rises to match increasing home prices then we will avoid a decline in investment property values. This is the second of such report in weeks. There is reason to take these reports seriously. The tipping point as to when the affordability index reaches the top ( ie prices thereafter will then fall) is 45%. Historically, the past 2 declines ( 1989, 2007)in housing prices was when the affordability index hit 45%. ( NOTE: This ...
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By Mark Vosylius, Toronto, Ontario
(Mana Investments )
70 West St Orillia- Real Estate Investment For Sale ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Fantastic investment property for sale in Orillia. Only asking $219,000. Gross monthly income is 2050.  Walk to all amenities in Downtown Orillia Ontario. Lakehead University is 2 blocks away, asd well as waterfront-Lake Simcoe. This investment property in Orillia provides solid tenants and parking for 4. As well as a spacious backyard with storage shed. Financial statement are available and showings require 24 hr notice. This cash flow opportunity and real estate investment property in Orillia is Listed by Mark Vosylius of Russo Realty ( 905)-939-7500. You can get further details through Mark Vosylius direct at 416-779-2897 For more real esta...
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By Mark Vosylius, Toronto, Ontario
(Mana Investments )
I thought I should write on the trials and tribulations of finding a good CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system. In my mind real estate (in fact all sales) is based on a relationship. Therefore why not work with a "relationship" program. Let me also say right off the bat...I am not going to spend a lot of money. So this leaves out Top Producer, Agent Office etc and all those other monthly expenses. As well we need to look at hardware, software, cell phone sync, and the clouds...By writing this I am hoping to help out as many real estate agents organize their customers and make more money by discussing what I did to find the perfect CRM solution. (and cheapest...) Let's start off with software. Microsoft Outlook is a great "general" CRM program. However in real estate we have par...
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By Al & Peggy Cunningham, Brokers, Our Family Wants To Help Your Family!
(RE/MAX West Realty Inc., Brokerage)
Canadian Smallmouth Bass Record Smashed Over 100 teams hit the waters of Lake Simcoe this morning around 7:00 am.  They were out to catch the big one.  This is Canada's premier bass tournament, each team is allowed to bring 5 bass back and have them weighed by 3:00 pm. A guaranteed $25,000 is up for grabs, with a chance to double that with other various prizes.  A brand new Toyota Truck and Tracker boat worth about $100,000 is standing by for the team that can break the Ontario record for smallmouth bass.  The current record for total weight of not more than 5 bass sits at 30.35 lbs. Today the record was smashed when a team stepped up to the scales and showed off their 5 bass that weighed in at 31.55 lbs.  A new Canadian record. Lake Simcoe is an hours drive north of Toronto, Ontario an...
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By Al & Peggy Cunningham, Brokers, Our Family Wants To Help Your Family!
(RE/MAX West Realty Inc., Brokerage)
Name That Photo - Here's Your Answer We had a couple of researchers on this one and they almost answered all the questions.  Still want to give it a shot before seeing the answers below, if so click here Name That Photo. Everybody figured out it was a caboose, that in itself is good, because we can't say the last time we saw one at the end of a long line of railway cars.  A neat part of history gone but not forgotten. When it came to the questions, what year was it built, where was it built and who built it, it got a little tougher.  Russel narrowed down the years, Jenny got it's location, then Marc put two and two together and came up with the correct year it was built... 1903. As for where and who built it... those ones got you.  To find out those answers, watch this short video. By t...
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By Mark Vosylius, Toronto, Ontario
(Mana Investments )
The REIN ( Real Estate Investment network) once again nails down the top 10 cities to invest in Canada. According to the Saturday's Financial Post ( August 8 2010 ) Barrie and Orillia Ontario ranked 6th out of ten other Canadian cities. The reason for investing here are obvious. 1- Strong growth in education....Lakehead and Georgian both expanding. Lakehead University in Orillia and Georgian in Barrie. 2- New GO train links morning rush hour to Toronto. Don't like the drive down the 400...take the GO train. 3- Strong /pro growth council members for both cities. 4- The average age in both towns is below the National average.... these are just a few reasons to put Barrie and Orillia on your real estate investing radar... Fo...
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By Al & Peggy Cunningham, Brokers, Our Family Wants To Help Your Family!
(RE/MAX West Realty Inc., Brokerage)
G8 - G20 Toronto, Ontario, Canada Have you been following the G20?  The world leaders have landed.  For some reason they decided to have meetings in two different locations.  They started out in Huntsville, Ontario on Friday June 25th, which is about three hours north of Toronto and called this part of the meeting the G8. This afternoon they started their convoys south from Huntsville on route to Toronto to hold their G20 meetings.  It has been reported that they are not expecting any great things to happen as a result of the meetings.  We have had large groups of protesters causing havoc in the city, even set a police car on fire. We have heard from a lot of people that the downtown part of Toronto has been virtually shut down for several days.  Imagine the loss of business for all the...
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By Mark Vosylius, Toronto, Ontario
(Mana Investments )
Lakehead got a million dollar shot in the arm last month from the County of Simcoe. Construction has begun on the first phase of Lakeheads Campus just west of Hwy 11 in Orillia. The school will be the County's first platinum LEEDS campus. Lakeheads focus on conserving and utilizing energy so as not to waste any natural resources is proof that it is committed to bettering Simcoe County. As well as Simcoe County's commitment, the City of Orillia has committed 10 million dollars to the project. Half is contributed in land, the other half in cash. Lakehead certainly has the support from all levels of government to help in its success. On the Federal level, last September 13 million was committed to enhance infrastructure at the university and local colleges. All this can only mean slow and ...
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By Al & Peggy Cunningham, Brokers, Our Family Wants To Help Your Family!
(RE/MAX West Realty Inc., Brokerage)
Ready? Let's Go Fish!Fishing season is alive and well in Orillia, Ontario, Canada.  Last weekend with the warmer temperatures and sunny days, there was a good sprinkling of fishermen out on Lake Simcoe but the Granddaddy of all fishing kicks off next weekend on beautiful Lake Couchiching and Lake Simcoe, in Orillia with Canada's largest registered Perch Festival.   This major fishing derby that attracts fishermen from near and wide, begins April 17, 2010 and runs through until May 20th.   The object is to catch one or more of the 60 tagged perch, earning the prize of $500.00 each. To enter the 29th Perch Festival you must submit your information and $15.00 (children under 16 $5.00) entry fee to Orillia District Chamber of Commerce, 150 Front St. South, Orillia, Ontario, L3V 4S7. Your re...
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By Al & Peggy Cunningham, Brokers, Our Family Wants To Help Your Family!
(RE/MAX West Realty Inc., Brokerage)
Today was just a beautiful day in the Greater Toronto Area, full sunshine and best of all the feeling that Spring is in the air.   The Port of Orillia in Orillia, Ontario, Canada is quiet right now, but it won't be for long. In just one short month, we will finally welcome Spring, 2010.
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By Al & Peggy Cunningham, Brokers, Our Family Wants To Help Your Family!
(RE/MAX West Realty Inc., Brokerage)
A Little Walk At the Port of Orillia, in Orillia Ontario on a frosty December day. Officially it is still FALL.  We took a walk on Saturday along the boardwalk at thePort of Orillia and everywhere we looked, everything was hunkering down, awaiting old man WINTER.  There were only two boats still tied up at the docks.  The kids train station and French's hamburger stand were locked up for the season. A few Canada Geese were still hanging around, and of course a dock full of Seagulls.  If we were Seagulls we would definitely be in flight towards our new permanent home in Florida. Samuel de Champlain overlooksLake Couchiching, frozen in time.  It was just 394 years ago he was frollicking around right here with the local Indians. Even Orillia's Island Princess has sailed her last tour for 2...
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By Al & Peggy Cunningham, Brokers, Our Family Wants To Help Your Family!
(RE/MAX West Realty Inc., Brokerage)
ANSWER TO: Wordless Wednesday With A Little "Name That Photo" Added We know this was a toughy, but if it is to easy and the first guy gets it... where's the fun. We had some good guesses, even some pretty close ones. So, this is what you were trying to figure out what exactly the picture was showing. This is where the operator was stationed to operate the above picture. Well here it is... This bridge was able to rotate in one direction to allow cars to cross and as it showsc in the picture to allow for boat traffic to pass by.  In the 1990's the bridge and the bridge operator were both retired to make way for a new modern overpass which allowed boat traffic to pass under. The bridges both spanned over what is know as the Atherley Narrows which connects two bodies of water Lake Simcoe an...
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By Al & Peggy Cunningham, Brokers, Our Family Wants To Help Your Family!
(RE/MAX West Realty Inc., Brokerage)
Wordless Wednesday With A Little  "Name That Photo" Added   Here's a little picture that might get your brain turning.  It's something old, matter of fact it hasn't been used in years.  It would of caused a lot of problems if it hadn't existed when it was used.  Look carefully, even though we don't think you will get it.To help we will add a clue around supper time (EST), take a shot, come back later after the clue and take a second shot.  We will reveal the big picture tomorrow, so keep that computer humming...   We know, the above picture could be just about anything... you guys are so smart we have to try to trick you a little bit.  Well this clue is probably going to give it away but that's okay, but you will have to wait until this time tomorrow for the full picture.There used to b...
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By Al & Peggy Cunningham, Brokers, Our Family Wants To Help Your Family!
(RE/MAX West Realty Inc., Brokerage)
Just What Is This Guy Thinking? We met these guys at the Orillia Santa Claus Parade yesterday in Orillia Ontario of course.  You can see most of the parade on our previous post of just click here. Don't you just love animals, you can't help wondering, "what is this guy thinking?" So, what do you think he is thinking?
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By Al & Peggy Cunningham, Brokers, Our Family Wants To Help Your Family!
(RE/MAX West Realty Inc., Brokerage)
Merry Christmas It was a balmy 48 degrees in Orillia, Ontario today.  No snow in sight but a beautiful sunny day for the 2009 Santa Claus Parade.  Everyone was having fun waiting to Santa to come.  (Click the speaker in the top left corner of the slide show for a little Drummer Boy music.)   We would like to wish you a Very Merry Christmas and the best for 2010
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By Al & Peggy Cunningham, Brokers, Our Family Wants To Help Your Family!
(RE/MAX West Realty Inc., Brokerage)
There Aren't Many Days Left Like Today Around Here Wasn't it a beautiful day today?  We drove into Orillia, Ontario and went for a walk in Couchiching Park and enjoyed the sun and the warm weather.  The sky was blue and the water was calm. People were walking hand in hand, some with their dogs and some with their childern.  Isn't it funny how the nice weather gets people out. We took a few pictures and wanted to share them with you. Hope you liked the little walk you took with us, we enjoyed your company...
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By Al & Peggy Cunningham, Brokers, Our Family Wants To Help Your Family!
(RE/MAX West Realty Inc., Brokerage)
What Is Your Favorite Old Car? Guess Before You Look! We were just going through a few pictures we had picked up over the Summer.  Yes Summer as short as it may have been. We came across some photos that we took at the Orillia car show, and guess what one car stood our the most. Have you ever gone to a car show and not seen a 1957 Chey, looks sharp in this orange colour but if you were to close your eyes and picture the car it would probable be in a turquoise blue colour. The Beach Boys were probably on the radio... Surfin' USA
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By Al & Peggy Cunningham, Brokers, Our Family Wants To Help Your Family!
(RE/MAX West Realty Inc., Brokerage)
The theme of a Dragon Boat Race Festival is a simple and solemn one: Teamwork and Unity.  This 2400-year-old Chinese tradition has become one of Canada's fastest growing sports. Communities across Canada have been getting together for several years now during the summer months to bring a Dragon Boat Race Festival to their residents.  Yesterday, the City of Orillia sponsored their fourth Dragon Boat Race Festival. This is a fun time for everyone, the spectators especially the kids were yelling to their favorite team as they approached the finish line.  The friendly yet competitive atmosphere for the participants matched their abilities and tested their skills in dragon boat racing. What is Dragon Boat Racing? The Dragon Boats are the largest flat water racing canoes in the world. Each bo...
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By Al & Peggy Cunningham, Brokers, Our Family Wants To Help Your Family!
(RE/MAX West Realty Inc., Brokerage)
ORILLIA, ONTARIO CANADA HELD THEIR 3RD ANNUAL CELEBRATION OF THE BEATLES It was time for the beautiful downtown area of the City of Orillia to  'Get Back' to 1964 as it recreated the Abbey Road Rooftop Performance and came alive with a two day Beatles street festival September 18th and 19th!  It was fantastic to see the recreation, the participation and even the weather co-operated with a gorgeous sunny day!  It started Friday night at the Orillia Opera House with the Beatles tribute band that the Rolling Stone magazine calls "the best", then the main stage took over with a hospitality tent and the Let's Get Back Dance and Sing a-Long.  Saturday kicked off the day's events at 11:00 am again at the main stage and went right through til midnight.  $10.00 wristbands got you into the hospit...
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By Al & Peggy Cunningham, Brokers, Our Family Wants To Help Your Family!
(RE/MAX West Realty Inc., Brokerage)
It's Going To Be A Hot One Today... Speechless Sunday Good Mornnnnnnnning Active Rainers... Woke up with a blast of sunshine this morning.  One of the nicest red balls of fire we have ever seen.  Jumped up, grabbed the camera and zoomed outside. Well, here's what I got.  Not exactly what I saw.  Amazing how things can change in seconds.  It's going to be a hot one today. Have a hot one today and be safe, Al and Peggy Cunningham, BrokersRE/MAX Realty Services Inc.391 Main St., N.Brampton, ON  L6X1N7905-456-1000 http://www.TheHousePeople.com
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