Canyon Creek Westerville Ohio Homes- Sam Cooper HER Realtors
By Sam Cooper, Sam Cooper Howard Hanna Real Estate
(Howard Hanna Real Estate)
Canyon Creek Westerville Ohio Homes- Sam Cooper HER Realtors According to the Columbus Ohio MLS, there were 2 Canyon Creek Westerville Ohio homes sold within the last 6 months ( June 15, 2011 to December 14, 2011 ). The highest selling home during that time frame was located at 855 Puddington Ct. Westerville Ohio 43081. 855 Puddington Ct.sold for $209,500 and closed on August 26, 2011. This home sold in 180 days. The home pictured to the right is a home located in Canyon Creek Westerville Ohio, Franklin County. The average selling price per square foot for Canyon Creek Westerville Ohio Home Sales during that time frame was $99.42. Those homes sold within 116 days on average. If you know of anyone thinking of buying or selling a home in Westerville Ohio 43081, please have them co...